cdwise wrote:
Last night's hotel was the worst.
Weren’t a few Cannonballers planning to camp instead of stay in a hotel? I wonder how those people are doing…
One of yesterday’s bonus checkpoints seemed close to Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse statue. Seems unfortunate to be so close to those landmarks and not get a look at them, but maybe someday a few of the riders will return to South Dakota at a more leisurely pace?
All of the previous scooter Cannonball events seem grueling, not just physically, but also mentally. It’s amazing that people will do it more than once, and a few keep coming back <multiple> times!
In any case, thanks for the updates. I’m very sorry to hear about the bruises and broken bones, but, as with so many other scooter accidents, I’m glad that it hasn’t been worse.
Keeping my fingers crossed for all of the riders today, and hopefully the helmets and boots and armored pants and jackets will protect them.