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KimPossible wrote:
So the issue day before yesterday was indeed the spakr plug cap. It was looseand I couldnt make in not be loose so I changed it. All good on that front no more cutting out.

I also checked my coolant and it seemed low. I think I overfilled. Later yesterday it boiled over like mad, but I got pulled over when the temperature spiked and before the engine light came on. Let it cool, topped off with dasani. An awesome support driver who is not my support driver followed me until I was confident of how she was going to react.

Went to max temp twice again but didn't need more fluid. I just waited and went a little farther. Rolled into wherever we are on our own power. Just watched some video and will be checking if there is a coolant leakthat I can find. Just had the coolant flushed before the cannonball. I plan to go to a grocery to get real distilled water to keep with me today. And I'm leaving about 2 hours earlier this morning.

So while I'm not in the ride it till it explodes camp. I guess I am somewhat risking that today. Oh, and i'm one of those that forwent the dirt yesterday. After looking around the parking lot, I think that was a good call.

Keep thinking the good thoughts for us!
Make sure the air bleeder valve on the top of the engine is not leaking too. I'm only familiar with the 250 engine but presume the 300 has the same valve. Go to 11 minute mark and watch from there. I'd have a look at the valve next time your engine heats up to see if its leaking before doing anything. I think you need a 10 mm wrench to tighten it but don't tighten much. You don't want to strip the threads.

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Also, there's a small O-ring on the valve where it screws into the engine. That could be cracked and leaking. I finally read the whole thread. If the valve was leaking, you'd see the coolant spill where you showed under your center stand. That's a lot of coolant.
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DaBinCheis highly skilled but entirely mad rider. He takes crazy chances especially on dirt. He's also done some gearing changes to the Cub and it is faster than any of the other Cubs. He is also tougher than old boots. I've seen him have an off that would leave most people questioning if they should get back on or not. Bin just shakes it off, limps back to the scooter and hauls ass.

Another rough rider is Linda Hurley. She had 3 offs yesterday on her SMax with suspected broken ribs and banged up ankle. She got it after 9 and since urgent care was closed she refused to go to the emergency room. Didn't even allow anyone to help her unload OR move her scooter. Got up this morning and is almost to checkpoint 2 l. She is doing an alternate route that allows for all checkpoints without dirt at the cost of an extra 40 miles of parent but that her only concession. Everyone on our team except GoPam is doing the same. LM15 is riding in our support truck today.
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Thanks for the updates cerise!!
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damn/dam? (bad pun) thats some serious injuries this year. Hope everyone is ok and gets back on the horse when recovered. BTW, you guys are in beautiful country right now! I love that area! Visited it in 2018 with some analog photography gear. I want to go back on my scooter so bad!

Although I am guessing the water level is way less right now than 2018.

EDIT: My bad.. I thought you guys were heading through Glen Canyon cause your photo looked like the same place. Just looked at the live map and you guys are up somewhere else in Utah nowhere near Arizona. Either way.. its ALL beautiful out there! Jealous.
80+yr old Graflex 4x5 camera of the Glen Canyon Dam. 7/2018
80+yr old Graflex 4x5 camera of the Glen Canyon Dam. 7/2018
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cdwise wrote:
DaBinCheis highly skilled but entirely mad rider. He takes crazy chances especially on dirt rs fine some gearing changes to the Cub and it is faster than any of the other Cubs. He is also tougher than old boots. I've seen him have an off that would leave most people questioning if they should get back on or not. Bin just shakes it off, limps back to the scooter and hauls ass.

Another rough rider is Linda Hurley. She had 3 offs yesterday on her SMax with suspected broken ribs and banged up ankle. She got it after 9 and since urgent care was closed she refused to go to the emergency room. Didn't even allow anyone to help her unload OR move her scooter. Got up this morning and is almost to checkpoint 2 l. She is doing an alternate route that allows for all checkpoints without dirt at the cost of an extra 40 miles of parent but that her only concession. Everyone on our team except GoPam is doing the same. LM15 is riding in our support truck today.
Thanks, this is the color commentary that keeps me craving more! I have been following dabinche because I have an interest in getting or trying a supercub to add to the stable. I also am trying to find out how the Royal Alloys are doing. I see, at least from the map, that #80 Merry Mary is way out in front today. Glitch or did she just get a jump on 43 taggert today to get under his skin?

I'm super curious about mechanical issues/thoughts with these 2 scooters but don't know where to follow or if they even have an online presence.
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Guzzi Gal wrote:
Popcorn emoticon Nerd emoticon Popcorn emoticon
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Kevin T wrote:
Thanks, this is the color commentary that keeps me craving more! I have been following dabinche because I have an interest in getting or trying a supercub to add to the stable. I also am trying to find out how the Royal Alloys are doing. I see, at least from the map, that #80 Merry Mary is way out in front today. Glitch or did she just get a jump on 43 taggert today to get under his skin?

I'm super curious about mechanical issues/thoughts with these 2 scooters but don't know where to follow or if they even have an online presence.
DaBinChe has his own thread on this cannonball over on ADVRider after https://advrider.com/f/threads/another-journey-of-solace.1508893/

The Battlescooter thread there similar to this one starts at https://advrider.com/f/threads/scooter-cannonball-2020-update-to-2021.1377355/page-20 plus or minus a few pages.
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Kevin T wrote:
…get a jump on 43 taggert today to get under his skin?
Gender is but a social construct, however…JTaggart #43 is a lady rider. Her husband, STaggart #44 finished in first place in the 2018 Cannonball event.

As a lady scooterist myself, I’m excited to see the progress of the women riders in this year’s Cannonball, and I’m inspired by how the Taggarts work together as a team, consistently at the top of the leaderboard.

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Whoa - DaBinChe rode out from Santa Cruz! Everyone* else's start was his turning around point! Wha? emoticon

*Idiomatically speaking. I don't know if anyone else round-tripped it.
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mayorofnow wrote:
Whoa - DaBinChe rode out from Santa Cruz! Everyone* else's start was his turning around point! Wha? emoticon

*Euphemistically speaking. I don't know if anyone else round-tripped it.
The two Cub riders pulling trailers started in Houston and are riding back to the there after the end. LM15 started in Florida and is also riding home. There are others as well who rode to the start ND are riding home.
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mayorofnow wrote:
Whoa - DaBinChe rode out from Santa Cruz! Everyone* else's start was his turning around point! Wha? emoticon
I would expect nothing less from him. He's the real deal.
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jess wrote:
I would expect nothing less from him. He's the real deal.
Jess and most Cannonballers know DaBinCHE has always ridden to the start no matter how far or how bad the weather. He is also known to lay down on the side of the road during the Cannonball on a sunny day and take a little nap and get up and ride to a win or high finish. He also would also mount tires for others at night in the parking lot just to be helpful or a free meal.

What a guy!!!
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jess wrote:
I would expect nothing less from him. He's the real deal.
Didn't Bin and another rider do the 2004 or 2006 ride on 50cc Ruckus? I remember him from UrbanScootin.com back then, but both it and the Battlescooter forums are gone, so can't check my hazy memory.
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After the 2014 SCR, Binh didn’t head back to California from New Orleans.

Instead, he rode his 110cc Honda to Key West. Then back to California.

He spent a night at my house along the way.

He is an amazing rider.

On a very bad dirt road in British Columbia, I was riding as fast as I could (not particularly fast as I don’t really like dirt roads as I never ran motocross as a kid).

I saw a black scooter and a cloud of dust in my mirrors, then blast by me at twice my speed. It was Binh.

The real deal

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cdwise wrote:
The two Cub riders pulling trailers started in Houston and are riding back to the there after the end. LM15 started in Florida and is also riding home. There are others as well who rode to the start ND are riding home.
I follow Quasimotard on his YT channel and have done for some time now.

He and Evelknievel will be away from their homes for a month and will have covered around 9300 miles on arriving home.

I'm sure that others will have done likewise.


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Steve wrote:
I remember him from UrbanScootin.com...
I used to frequent urbanscooter.com too! I had Honda Metro 50cc and a Yamaha Vino 125cc back then.


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Kevin T wrote:
Thanks, this is the color commentary that keeps me craving more! I have been following dabinche because I have an interest in getting or trying a supercub to add to the stable. I also am trying to find out how the Royal Alloys are doing. I see, at least from the map, that #80 Merry Mary is way out in front today. Glitch or did she just get a jump on 43 taggert today to get under his skin?

I'm super curious about mechanical issues/thoughts with these 2 scooters but don't know where to follow or if they even have an online presence.
Mary and Her Royal Alloy are out. She fell on gravel a few times and after the last fall her scoot was leaking fluids so she called it. She decided to continue on with the support crew to Eureka.
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Steve wrote:
Didn't Bin and another rider do the 2004 or 2006 ride on 50cc Ruckus? I remember him from UrbanScootin.com back then, but both it and the Battlescooter forums are gone, so can't check my hazy memory.
Oz rode a Ruckus 50 and someone else rode the 50cc Yamaha that looks kind of like a cooler on wheels but I don't remember who rode it. If you look in the 2010 Cannonball thread Youcan find out. Cell coverage in Utah on day 8 has been spotty.
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Steve wrote:
Didn't Bin and another rider do the 2004 or 2006 ride on 50cc Ruckus? I remember him from UrbanScootin.com back then, but both it and the Battlescooter forums are gone, so can't check my hazy memory.
Bin did an epic ride about that same time on a 50cc Ruckus, but it was not on the cannonball.

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jess wrote:
I would expect nothing less from him. He's the real deal.
I'll say! Here are a few videos of his cannonball prep. Anyone riding Vespas in the cannonball do a similar chronicle?

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I've seen and ... It's unbelievable but correct.
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This may have been posted earlier and I just missed it. But there's a whole series of videos in the parking lots of the hotels on The Cannonball on YouTube. Just search scooter Cannonball 2021 all of them will come up.


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lostboater wrote:
This may have been posted earlier and I just missed it. But there's a whole series of videos in the parking lots of the hotels on The Cannonball on YouTube. Just search scooter Cannonball 2021 all of them will come up.

They are live on Facebook first, then go to YouTube. Yesterday was a little more reasonable day it seems.
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Kevin T wrote:
…Anyone riding Vespas in the cannonball do a similar chronicle?
Taking Kevin’s bait (again). ADVscooter, #36, produced a 12-part series with a plot twist in episode 9. He’s been having fun on days 1-8, but he’s starting to hit the wall, so to speak. He and his South Bay Scooter Posse buddy did the 2018 Cannonball and hopefully they’ll finish this year, too.

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Next to last day of the 2021 Scooter Cannonball. The attrition rate this year has been higher than any previous cannonball as far as I can tell. More scooters including mine on the support trucks. At least two riders have bought new bikes to continue on even though they are technically disqualified. This morning for the first time we could see the mountains without haze from western fires as we embark on America’s Loneliest Highway. US 50. We are losing one rider to Las Vegas and another I heard is renting a uhaul and heading home after a water pump failure. Yet another is still trying to get into the pet carrier as his latch cable broke with his wallet inside it, oops.

Anyway a few photos from last night and this morning.
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cdwise wrote:
Next to last day of the 2021 Scooter Cannonball.
Thanks for the ongoing field updates! It's very fun to be able to follow along
cdwise wrote:
... another I heard is renting a uhaul and heading home after a water pump failure.
I guess this is KimPossible? She wasn't able to get running after all? Crying or Very sad emoticon
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berto wrote:
Thanks for the ongoing field updates! It's very fun to be able to follow along

I guess this is KimPossible? She wasn't able to get running after all? Crying or Very sad emoticon
That's the scuttlebutt.

For some reason I can't get logged into my YouTube account but I took a few videos this morning and uploaded them to the Not Fast Just Furious facebook page. GoPam, LM15 and DaBinChe.

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lau7renharp wrote:
Taking Kevin’s bait (again). ADVscooter, #36, produced a 12-part series with a plot twist in episode 9. He’s been having fun on days 1-8, but he’s starting to hit the wall, so to speak. He and his South Bay Scooter Posse buddy did the 2018 Cannonball and hopefully they’ll finish this year, too.

Thanks for feeding my curiosity! Much appreciated, I will look for the Rolf vids!
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cdwise wrote:
That's the scuttlebutt.

For some reason I can't get logged into my YouTube account but I took a few videos this morning and uploaded them to the Not Fast Just Furious facebook page. GoPam, LM15 and DaBinChe.
DaBinChe on the Cub is amazing!

GoPam! GoPam! GoPam!
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Day 9 checkpoint 2
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cdwise wrote:
Day 9 checkpoint 2
Keep posting Cheryl
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Citroen 2 CV!
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Attila wrote:
DaBinChe on the Cub is amazing!
fixed that for ya

cheering for all the riders, especially those who are continuing to the finish Clap emoticon Clap emoticon Clap emoticon
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gopam made it to Day 9 hotel after bike died at wrong hotel! And my scooter cannonball spirit animal is DONALD DUCK and I apologize for when I’m a hot mess total asshole. It is not my intent. I’m so sleep deprived riding like a bat outta hell, can’t stop my scoot or it will die. Throw on 3 days of flight troubles & 3 days of sleep deprivation Before even starting this event of 4500 MILES IN 10 DAYS. That is picking off riders left and right from danger! So I apologize. It is never my intention to be an asshole on purpose. My stress level is through the sleep deprived roof!! I keep apologizing and will continue. Just know I keep trying to have redemption solo solace days. So if I’ve offended you, let me know. I’ll apologize on the spot genuinely from my heart.
Also I swear all the time so it isn’t as loaded in my mind coming out of my mouth….as it might feel to you. But nonetheless I recognize the err of my ways. I am still trying to be a good person.
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And I have a request for help again…

I’m going to buy battery #6 for Day 10

My goal is the FINISHING LINE!!

Then my plan is to get to Davis, CA for my friends birthday.

Can anyone tell me the best closest VESPA shop near there?

Maybe Sacramento?

I’d love to drop off 2007 GT200 to a Vespa shop. Celebrate the life of my best friend…..and pick Vespa up when fixed to ride back to LA.

If not, I’ll continue my hot mess circus clown on fire on a GT200 that doesn’t charge the battery while I ride….and battery swap all the way home to LOS ANGELES.

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Pam, I think there's a Vespa dealer in Sac called Elk Grove Powersports. No personal experience with them, though.
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The last dealer before Davis is Rev Moto in Santa Rosa. I bought my Vespa from them, and Trustin has done all my service: friendly folks, who know their stuff and care. If you contact them ahead of time, they might have a loaner you can borrow.


Santa Rosa is 2 hours before Davis. Elk Grove (the next dealer) is 40 minutes after.
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GTS 300 Super Sport (Verde Speranza) / Suzuki SFV650
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berto wrote:
I guess this is KimPossible? She wasn't able to get running after all? Crying or Very sad emoticon
Yeah, the trip log site in her profile has a post about having to call it - no source for a water pump. Major bummer but 9 days and, what, 4000 miles? Helluva effort.

Three cheers for everyone with the stones to try it, for sure. Fingers crossed for the remaining riders tomorrow!
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