After 30-45mins of riding my APAC Supertech the air temp at the entrance to the throttle body rises from ambient (eg 20C) up to 50C
This ain't so good as oxygen density (kg/m3) at 20C is 10% higher than at 50C
Does anyone have ECMA/NAFTA HPE and would like to compare? If you have a Supertech OR a 75" GTS then you can use my android app to monitor the airtemp and if you don't you can use a thermal camera or infrared 'non contact' thermometer to check the pipe temp at the entrance to the throttle body (not as good as using the app, but does seem to match with all my testing)
I'm not assuming you'll get the same results as ECMA/NAFTA because they take fresh air from near the front of the transmission directly into the airbox unlike the snorkle on the APAC that runs through the side of the engine bay which is at 50C
Graph below: after 31mins the air temp rose from 19 to 49
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