jimc wrote:
That should be standard practice for any motorcycle, except in an emergency stop, otherwise you'll get the 'dive' which flags the rider as poorly trained. If repeated, it can lead to a 'minor' on the UK Part II practical test.
jimc you obviously are under 21 yrs of age and have never ridden 70 + year old motorcycles with useless brakes and had to wear boots with dunlop K70 or avon supreme soles in the hope that you could hopefully stop sometime before you hit something hard or run out of road.
The fuoco's front brakes are VERY good infact probably the one thing that piaggio got spot on .It's still a habit i have with the front brake as also riding a outfit with twin front discs and 3 yes 3 front calipers are needed to stop the brute. Not helped by my brain telling me that the throttle likes being wound to the stop position
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