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1979 P200, 1960 Lambretta s2, 1975 Rally 200
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@cdevillasante avatar
1979 P200, 1960 Lambretta s2, 1975 Rally 200
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Hey All I bought a great P200 recently and put a malossi 210 and sip road exhaust. I had it working great, the idle was perfect untill I installed a bgm fast flow fuel tap. Now it doesn't respond to idle screw or mixture screw adjustments and it seems smokier. I dont think its an air leak as it worked fine before the fastflow. I am using a spaco 26/26, any help would be appreciated!
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@popgunandy avatar
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Usually this indicates an air leak that cancels out any value added by adjusting the idle and mix screws. Did you reuse the gaskets on the airbox?
@cdevillasante avatar

1979 P200, 1960 Lambretta s2, 1975 Rally 200
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@cdevillasante avatar
1979 P200, 1960 Lambretta s2, 1975 Rally 200
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All new gaskets, and like I said it was very responsive before changing out to a fast flow fuel tap. Guess I could give the gaskets a quick check

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1952 Allstate 1955 Allstate 1958 lambretta 1965 Allstate 1968 sprint
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Put the old fuel tap back in it to verify if what your saying is true. That will at least tell you if it is the fuel valve or not.
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@gickspeed avatar
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May be coincidence. Pull your carb and make sure these is nothing in the idle jet-I use a strand of wire for this. Then clear the idle jet circuit with carb cleaner & air.

After that, then maybe you have something going on besides the carb.
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