I've been making progress cleaning parts, sorting bins searching for needed parts; and smashed out a few small dents in the engine cowl. No pics of that stuff.
In real progress land I opened up the primary drive to check on the springs, and clean up.
All springs are intact and good condition. Found a little brass shavings inbetween the plates.I have new, bearings, plates & rivets ready to go back together with the stock drive gears.
Should I:
A: reuse the original springs
B: get new stock springs
C: use the DRT reinforced springs, which I have already
Keep in mind my intentions for the motor: O-Tune cylinder stroker motor, long stroke race cut crank with longer intake duration, probably euro head or reprofiled head, 24 or 26 carb.
All this is just planning at this point, we'll see how it actually plays out