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Can anyone give me a few tips on how to remove the badge on the horn cover on my new-to-me Vespa LX 150 please.
Forum member supplied image with no explanatory text
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The badge in the middle levers off revealing a screw underneath.

You can see the tab here so lever from the scooters left.

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I had a closer look with a bright work light and magnifying glass, and this badge seems to use double sided foam take to adhere to the horn guard.
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Nope, not the same badge and no tabs. Double sided foam tape.
znomit wrote:
The badge in the middle levers off revealing a screw underneath.

You can see the tab here so lever from the scooters left.

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Definitely not a standard badge. I suspect the owner decided that taping the thing on was the way to go.

You're probably going to have to get inventive. You may be able to pry it off, just be sure you protect the paint with something. Just take your time. A lot of people use dental floss for removing stickers.....it might help.
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If you want to remove the winged badge trim use dental floss to "cut" it off. Once you remove the center badge (it pops off with the help of a flathead screwdriver) insert a length of floss and shimmy it back and forth. Removal of the leftover goop can be done with a paint-safe solvent of your choice.
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I've heard of the dental floss trick with badges on cars, and I will see if that works. Thanks.
Guzzi Gal wrote:
If you want to remove the winged badge trim use dental floss to "cut" it off. Once you remove the center badge (it pops off with the help of a flathead screwdriver) insert a length of floss and shimmy it back and forth. Removal of the leftover goop can be done with a paint-safe solvent of your choice.
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The reason I was asking is because after riding her home last night, I gave it a quick wash but afterwards it won't start. I get the red LED to blink once, blink twice fast, and then the light stays on solid.

I think I'm pooched and she needs to go to the dealer for expensive fix
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Probably just the antenna on the immobiliser didn't like getting wet.
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SteveMster wrote:
The reason I was asking is because after riding her home last night, I gave it a quick wash but afterwards it won't start. I get the red LED to blink once, blink twice fast, and then the light stays on solid.

I think I'm pooched and she needs to go to the dealer for expensive fix
The codes are here: Immobilizer LED codes

Seems like the key is not being detected. Do you have a second key to try? I also find sometimes the key is detected better if I flip it over. Also try turning key off and on again?

You are wasting your time to try starting the bike if the immobilizer light doesn't go off first.
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Baby Blue is running now!

I removed the pet carrier, closed the seat and left the scooter out in the blazing sun today in hopes that if it was just something that got too wet, it would dry in the sun/heat today. Seems to have worked and both keys start the scooter once again. Weird, but happy she's running.

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