324km 2 up. We did a classic ride on secondary roads in the Laurentian mountains.
Started out with some rain mostly on the highways on the way up but I have pretty good gear so not an issue. Rest of the day was perfect, cloudy temperate and no traffic.
So.... my girlfriend was comfortable, vespa topcase and passenger peg extensions worked great.
She said she could do this for a week or two no problem.
Less comfortable for me at stops getting her feet in the back of my shins. :?
Gts was fast enough, but not going to get any speeding tickets. Felt comfortable in the curves. It is my first real ride in a few years so all taken at an easy pace.
Parts of the route were pretty rough, I felt it a lot.
First time putting in gas, glad I did the Scooterwest trick and put the gas cap under the lip of the pet carrier and brought a rag with me.

got about 30km per liter of premium gas.
lots of room inside the pet carrier, but it gets really hot. not a good place for cold drinks, maybe better for melted cheese sandwich.
I don't have a windscreen yet, so lots of turbulence in my helmet but at least it is constant and no buffeting. Thanks to all here for the tips. This is a great forum and full of great people and good information!!
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