Posted half asleep. redo.
I took the msf in the bronx. I would say take w a motorcycle.
I decided to do take the class in dec - so had several months of time to obsess over basic mc riding videos on youtube. So by the time I got to the class, for me, it felt like it was mostly about learning to use a manual transmission.
The nyc msf is expensive vs other states - so it felt like it would kinda be a waste to not learn the manual transmission. If you ever want to get on a mc later, you’ll probably still have a bit of relearning to do, but at least you have a starting point. Not sure how else I would expect to even get down the block otherwise.
I also spend time on a revel practicing slow turns, figure 8s at the ikea parking lot. Think that was helpful. There are some of the course exercises they basically give you 2xs to learn and the 3rd is the test.
Nys pdf mc driving manual -
This was in someways more concise and clear vs the msf book.
Overall I had to remember how it felt as a kid getting my drivers lic - how little i really knew. Leaving the msf, (as the joke goes) I really only felt like I had the skills to ride in a parking lot.
Re highways, faster riding - If you are crossing the east river bridges, thats a good start. It will get you used to the wind. I haven’t done a tone of freeway time. Went with guidance i saw on line, jump on a freeway when its not busy, go a stop or two and then get off. If you want to get out of the city, even telling google maps/waze not to use highways, you will likely end up on 50/55mph roads and accidentally on the freeway. My first freeway rides were totally by accident, wrong turn.
Oh, ha, yeah I also made a bad choice to take the bqe off the wb bridge at night - Im sure i was lucky I didn't get hit. Wasn't familiar w the lanes and couldn't see the lines. Cars probably going 80 around me.
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