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Vespa Primavera 50 (sold), 2021 Vespa Sprint 150 (sold), 2022 Sei Giorni 300ie
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@billrush avatar
Vespa Primavera 50 (sold), 2021 Vespa Sprint 150 (sold), 2022 Sei Giorni 300ie
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Location: Naples Florida USA
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Lets just say my Vespa 50 had the wrong fuel tap zip-tied to the fuel tank.

So I order the right fuel tap and fuel hose to do the swap and mount the fuel tap correctly.

The old hose between the fuel tank and new Tap is too short.

This is simple, right? Cut a longer piece of hose, and first ask on Modern Vespa how to swap that fuel hose without spilling a bunch of gas.

Cause if you didn't ask first, you might make a dangerous mess.

So here I am asking. How do you remove the hose from the tank outlet, without having gas flow out?

Do you need to empty the tank first? That would imply I have a pump of some sort and an empty gas can. If so, what pump am I having to buy to suck gas from the tank?

Glad I am asking here first. Only an idiot wouldn't ask first. Thanks folks. Crying or Very sad emoticon
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I recommend you drain the tank first. You can purchase an inexpensive squeeze bulb siphon from Harbor Freight or Home Depot in the lawn care section. Drain the gas into an approved gas can.

When you pull the hose off, or when you pull the tap off, gas will still be present. Have rags handy. Take the gas soaked rags out of your workspace and dry them on the driveway.

Have a fire extinguisher nearby just in case. Gasoline is volatile stuff, and the vapors are invisible and ground hugging, so you can get a flash fire from unexpected ignition sources.

I like to have my cars out of the garage if I'm working around gas vapors, just in case of fire.

Have plenty of ventilation, as well.

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