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Hi Folks. 2018 GTS Touring. Went to ride this morning and wouldn’t start. Turned key, dash did its thing, heard the fuel pump, pulled the brake lever, pushed the starter and nothin’. No clicks. Have been riding almost daily. Will the fuel pump kick in if the battery is low but not have enough juice to get the starter to turn over? Checked all the usual things…kill switch, side stand, tried the red key. Still nothing. Didn’t have time to investigate and am out now, but will check battery connectors when I get home. Any suggestions? Thanks. Jon
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First check "Fuel-Spark-Air", the three main things that run the engine
1. Fuel & Lines
2. Battery & Cables
3. Sparkplug Cables
4. Air Vacuum Tubes

When you say nothing = when you pressed the starter button it did not turn at all? If that's the case, could be the button or starter with a short / dirty connection
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Thanks. No clicks at all. I’ll check the battery connections.
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How many miles? 2018 not that old of a model -- ever had any issues starting or cutting out while running before?
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Oddly no. Never an issue at all. I still wonder if it’s a battery. Can a low battery activate the fuel pump and then not have enough juice to activate the starter?
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Did the brake light come on? This is the usual way people find out their brake light switches have failed.

So try the other brake lever.
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Blackguard wrote:
Oddly no. Never an issue at all. I still wonder if it’s a battery. Can a low battery activate the fuel pump and then not have enough juice to activate the starter?
¯\(ツ)/¯ the dash and fuel pump came on so you would have at least some sound or movement from the starter when activated -- unless something is preventing it (brake, kickstand, killswitch)
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I had exactly those symptoms once on my GTS. One of the battery connections had vibrated loose. Tightened the connections and the problem went away.
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Tried both brake levers. Moved the side stand back and forth. And rocked the kill switch. Off home now to check battery cons.
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Thanks for the help friends. Oddly enough, I got home, put in the key and it started right up. It was fine this morning and I rode it into town for a coffee. I checked the battery terminals and they are tight and clean. Intermittant problems can be a b**ch, so I hope it doesn't keep happening. What I really hope is that it was the Vespa gods keeping me from riding into some kind of weird situation. I can be superstitious that way. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. Jon
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If it were my bike, I wouldn’t travel too far from home until you are confident that the issue is definitely resolved, especially if you don’t have towing on your bike. I had a starting issue with my GT 200 recently, and until I was sure I had fixed the problem, I didn’t venture out far from home. Best of luck! I hope it doesn’t do it again for you.
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Thanks Mopedlar, My previous GTS eventually needed a full wiring harness replacement (long story, out of warranty, no help from Vespa) and I got the towing package from AAA. They towed it from near Springfield,MA all the way to the dealer southwest of Hartford(now closed). Well worth the extra $ added to our regular policy. I think they call it the RV package. Saved me a packet.
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Kill switches have been known to get dodgy. In situations like this, repeatedly jabbing at the kill switch (on and off) a few times is recommended, just to eliminate the possibility that the contacts have some dirt or corrosion blocking the circuit.
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I also have a 2018 Vespa 300 Gts and my bike is doing the same thing. Sometimes mine starts and sometimes it doesn’t with the same symptoms you described with yours. I put a new battery in about a month ago so it’s definitely not a battery issue. The crazy thing is it will eventually start if I wait long enough. I’m afraid to go anywheres with it as it seems to be happening more consistently.

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I have a 2018 GTS Super, no problems to this point so I'm following.
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