Hi, new member to the site. Over the years I’ve found so much great reliable info, so thanks 👍
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find anything on my latest issue. What I’m experiencing is really doing my head in 🙄 The bike won’t start. It won’t throw the starter motor. I can hot wire it by bridging the positive across the Relay mount. I’ve tested the relay and also bought another and both work. I’m getting a clicking at the relay when I hold the brake and press the stater button. I have a feeling that the second small pin in the relay isn’t doing it’s job. It’s not going to ground or providing power. I’ve looked wiring diagrams and seen it possibly goes to a fuel injection relay, however I’m not sure where to locate it. Any help will certainly be appreciated. My wife uses the bike daily as her commuter and right now she is very stressed her baby is out of action