EDIT: I also bought internal which is what I used (read further down)
EDIT: crosslinks TPMS measurements and TPMS saved my bacon
* QR code linking to an Android APP that was not on the app store. Nope, ain't gonna install that.
* Tried a few apps that on the store and found some that worked
* iOS: there's probably something on the store that would work, too lazy to check
* Pairing: this had me confused for a while. Solution: You don't! They broadcast their info without needing pairing.
* Added support to my VespaSnoop app so I don't need these other shite apps plus it lets me record (with the other trip recording data)
* including the locking nut they are 11g/0.39oz each
* are they safe? will this weight damage the stem? hmm, I've seen some people say yes, some say no. Some say install a metal stem and then they're fine.
* I recently also had bought some fancy valve caps. Aluminium with the Vespa logo. They're 6g each and I was hesitant to install them due to weight.
* am considering getting some internal units ...
'Vespa' aluminium valve caps
⚠️ Last edited by SteelBytes on UTC; edited 4 times