We have just built a new garage, and I have been thinking about a table to raise my Vespa up to a good work height. I wanted to be able to get it out of the way when not being used, and what I came up with is a table that is hinged so that it folds up against the wall when not in use. The two legs are also hinged and swing down into position when the table is lowered. It's made from some odd pieces of 1/2" Baltic Birch plywood and 2x4s. The legs (plywood glued and screwed to 2x4s) are plenty strong and support the main frame of the table. The two odd strips of plywood on the floor (a temporary solution until I can think of something more elegant) ensure that the legs stay locked in place. The right side of the chock is bolted in place, but the left side is adjustable so it can clamp the front tire. The table height is about 21 inches so it's pretty easy to push the scooter up the ramp by myself.
I haven't really done any maintenance yet, but it's great to get the bike up there and give the lower half a nice sponge bath without getting on the floor.