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The wife and I were out riding our Vespas today in a predominately rural area in Virginia. We came to a stop at a stop sign and then we both heard a radio playing. Now, other than our iphones (that were turned off), we had no other streaming devices on either of us, or on our bikes. Neither of our helmets is equipped with bluetooth headsets. There were no houses or cars in the immediate vicinity. The radio noise stopped as soon as we pulled away from the stop sign and neither of us heard it again. It literally sounded like it was coming off my GT 200. WTF? Are we BOTH crazy? Any ideas what could be going on?
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Strong radio station and ham radio signals have been known to resonate in nearby electronics -- smoke alarms, microwaves, etc. Any big antennas near you?
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Neither of us noticed any.
jess wrote:
Strong radio station and ham radio signals have been known to resonate in nearby electronics -- smoke alarms, microwaves, etc. Any big antennas near you?
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Mopedlar wrote:
Neither of us noticed any.
Then you might indeed be crazy. Goofy emoticon
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jess wrote:
Then you might indeed be crazy. Goofy emoticon
It may have been a poltergeist, it's known from broadcasts like The X Files that you have a lot of problems like this in the USA.
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Attila wrote:
It may have been a poltergeist, it's known from broadcasts like The X Files that you have a lot of problems like this in the USA.
By the same token, it is well known that the Spanish government has a ministry of time, and can send agents to any point in the past, as long as it was Spanish territory at the time.
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jess wrote:
By the same token, it is well known that the Spanish government has a ministry of time, and can send agents to any point in the past, as long as it was Spanish territory at the time.
Ah no, the Italians built "the chronovisor" in the sixties, I also have a book that speaks volumes.


Use the translator, it's a fascinating read.
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Attila wrote:
Ah no, the Italians built "the chronovisor" in the sixties, I also have a book that speaks volumes.
I suspected as much.
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All jokes aside, could there be any sane explanation for what happened to us today? I could understand if just one of us heard the radio noise, but we BOTH heard it. Both of us can't be nuts, can we? Goofy emoticon
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Mopedlar wrote:
All jokes aside, could there be any sane explanation for what happened to us today?
Do you happen to know what song it was? Or what style of music? How long did it last?

Have you considered returning to the intersection?
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Any chance you were in this vicinity?
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Some types of high fidelity speakers use air and a high voltage electric current to excite air molecules and produce sound (electrostatic speakers). I was thinking about this.
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I can't now find a reference, but many, many years ago a man was prosecuted for stealing electricity from the BBC. He made a resonant circuit that was powered by a medium-wave transmitter nearby, and caused a radio 'blind spot' in its shadow.

I can remember powering headphones from a very simple crystal set in a matchbox.
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Early radio receivers used an electrically excited crystal (galena) to receive radio waves.


The tuner can consist of a simple sliding inductor which resonates by changing its characteristics, and which therefore also acts as a capacitor, forming a parallel resonant circuit. A detector subsequently extracts the useful information (sound signal) from the carrier wave (received signal).

The detector consists of a crystal of galena (lead sulphide), hence the name, sometimes placed in a special glass tube; a small metal wire ending in a point is placed in contact with the crystal (cat's whisker), thus constituting a diode. In fact, it is known that some crystals (such as lead sulphide) have this property; however, the direction of the diode thus constituted is not fixed and furthermore it is necessary to periodically move the contact point, because disintegration of the crystal and oxidation change the characteristics of the contact. All this constituted a system for making a diode very economically but with poor reliability.
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Mopedlar wrote:
All jokes aside, could there be any sane explanation for what happened to us today? I could understand if just one of us heard the radio noise, but we BOTH heard it. Both of us can't be nuts, can we? Goofy emoticon
Don't you sell yourself short - you could both be nuts. I have read of people picking up radio waves in the fillings in their teeth... do you have your teeth set for AM or FM??
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Or it could have been someone with a loud radio in the woods just out of sight. Simplicity.
Just sayin!

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Wasn’t this you heard was it
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God, I love this place Popcorn emoticon

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It was aliens, they mess with the radio waves when they are monitoring us. You probably avoided an abduction, count yourself lucky....
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Maybe it was this...

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With the way things are gong lately I think an abduction might be just what I need.
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Pretty sure Mopedlar’s sudden silence is a sure sign of abduction.

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Radio silence
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Scootoverdaddy wrote:
Radio silence
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swiss1939 wrote:
Or it could have been someone with a loud radio in the woods just out of sight. Simplicity.
Just sayin!

This was my first thought.
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Captain Jim wrote:
Don't you sell yourself short - you could both be nuts. I have read of people picking up radio waves in the fillings in their teeth... do you have your teeth set for AM or FM??
Both are distinct possibilities.

"Folie à deux ('madness [shared] by two'), also known as shared psychosis[2] or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations,[3][4] are transmitted from one individual to another." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folie_%C3%A0_deux

In this case, the psychosis was likely transmitted by radio waves from dental fillings.

For this to happen, there must have been a vortex at that location, so it only happens at that spot. Check here: https://vortexhunters.com/vortexmap_usa.html

Or maybe it was just one of those things that happen sometimes.
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It's your microchip playing up.
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jess wrote:
By the same token, it is well known that the Spanish government has a ministry of time, and can send agents to any point in the past, as long as it was Spanish territory at the time.
Ah, so that's were they got the plot for Loki. Mind you they did add Jet Skis.
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While hearing radio signals through things like fillings in your teeth is possible it does take a very strong signal and a very rare coincidence of things such that the signal just hits an odd bend in a response curve of a particular shape of metal. I'm on the 'remote farmer accidently cranking a radio before turning it down after their ears bled' bandwagon.
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You're right.

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Sledge wrote:
It's your microchip playing up.
My question on the chip is how often do I have to charge the battery? And is it covered under Medicare?
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kshansen wrote:
My question on the chip is how often do I have to charge the battery? And is it covered under Medicare?
It's powered by chemtrail radiation, so as long as you get outside now and then you're fine.

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tooth fillings can be pick up radio stations
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Mopedlar wrote:
All jokes aside, could there be any sane explanation for what happened to us today? I could understand if just one of us heard the radio noise, but we BOTH heard it. Both of us can't be nuts, can we? Goofy emoticon
You know what they say about couples becoming more alike over the years....
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this may sound equally as crazy, but I get a resonance from time to time as well.

granted, my hearing is compromised from years of loud ass mechanical work (and maybe some concerts here and there) but I'll pick up the same from time to time.

there's something when running the AC and the fan or running the fan in the kitchen and living room that straight up sounds like either music playing or the radio is broadcasting the dodger game.

and not faintly. like, me getting out of bed and unplugging the radio because I thought it was still on. and, straight up play by play calls or full tilt songs start to finish. no snippets or anything. like broadcasts...

I know I'm crazy but it makes me feel *crazierer*
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jess wrote:
Do you happen to know what song it was? Or what style of music? How long did it last?

Have you considered returning to the intersection?
I still really want to know the answer to this. Specifically, if it sounded like classical music. Not kidding at all.

And what specific intersection it occurred at, too, if you can.
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Might I inquire as to what this means? Nerd emoticon
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Is that the doomsday clock?
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