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I'm having a problem with my 2009 Piaggio fly 150 not starting, there is no power to the start button I am testing it with a test light and I have it apart right now any ideas what it might be?
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CaliScooterGuy wrote:
I'm having a problem with my 2009 Piaggio fly 150 not starting, there is no power to the start button I am testing it with a test light and I have it apart right now any ideas what it might be?
There generally won't be any power to the start button unless one of the brakes is depressed (and the kill switch in the run position). Are you taking that into account?
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jess wrote:
There generally won't be any power to the start button unless one of the brakes is depressed (and the kill switch in the run position). Are you taking that into account?
In other words, does the brake light come on when you squeeze either of the brake levers?
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Okay so we held the brake and got power to start button and we heard a whirring sound when power button is engaged, fuel pump? But the engine doesn't turn over.

We're thinking it's the starter relay perhaps? Which one is that is it the one with five prongs located upfront?
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CaliScooterGuy wrote:
Okay so we held the brake and got power to start button and we heard a whirring sound when power button is engaged, fuel pump?
Assuming it's an injected model, yeah -- sounds like the fuel pump engaging.
CaliScooterGuy wrote:
We're thinking it's the starter relay perhaps? Which one is that is it the one with five prongs located upfront?
Quite plausible. I don't know the Fly that well, so can't answer where it's located with any certainty.
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CaliScooterGuy wrote:
Okay so we held the brake and got power to start button and we heard a whirring sound when power button is engaged, fuel pump?

We're thinking it's the starter relay perhaps? Which one is that is it the one with five prongs located upfront?
Power button? Do you mean Start button?
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jess wrote:
Assuming it's an injected model, yeah -- sounds like the fuel pump engaging.
CaliScooterGuy, do you know if this has a fuel injector or a carburetor?

(I had been assuming this scooter was carbureted, but I may be wrong.)

Fuel injection: sound may be fuel pump or starter
Carburetor: no fuel pump, sound has to be the starter. If it's not turning fast enough to engage the starter clutch ("Bendix"), or the starter runs but the engine doesn't start, the battery is probably weak.
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JKJ-FZ6 wrote:
CaliScooterGuy, do you know if this has a fuel injector or a carburetor?

(I had been assuming this scooter was carbureted, but I may be wrong.)
Good question. As I remember, the engine of the FLY pretty well tracked that of the LX150. I believe this would have been before the LX switched over to fuel injection. In the last couple years of the LX 150 carbed engine, there was a low pressure fuel pump. My '09 LX150 was set up that way.
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Well just replaced the starter motor and damn thing still won't start. Battery good, fuses good, replaced relay and starter button, doesn't try to turn over just an audible click or a whir that sounds like it's coming from the relay. Ignition or wiring issue? I'm running out of ideas here.
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JKJ-FZ6 wrote:
(I had been assuming this scooter was carbureted, but I may be wrong.)

Carburetor: no fuel pump, sound has to be the starter. If it's not turning fast enough to engage the starter clutch ("Bendix"), or the starter runs but the engine doesn't start, the battery is probably weak.
Carburated, tested the battery and it is 13.4 V so seems ok
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kind of out of left field, but two questions: did it start when you bought it (or since you've owned it) and how many miles are on it?
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greasy125 wrote:
kind of out of left field, but two questions: did it start when you bought it (or since you've owned it) and how many miles are on it?
1. yes it did, just had to charge the battery.
2. 2100 miles on it, there was 1700 when I bought it.

Was having hard starts when the engine was warm for a few weeks before it died altogether about 2 weeks ago.

I noticed there was a hose that look like it was connected to the fuel pump that had a male and female attachment that had come undone so I connected it back together I'm not sure exactly what that piece is or if it has anything to do with it
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besides the start button, starter motor, checking the fuses and relays and charging up the battery have you done anything else?
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I had a new tire put on and he had removed the muffler to do that, I also reattach that hose that came from what I think was the fuel pump if it was a vacuum hose I don't know I guess I should take a picture the hose that comes from where I think it's the fuel pump it's got a male and a female connector do you know what I'm talking about? I noticed those two connectors were undone so I put them back together.

Kraig from the message board soldered a break on the circuit board for me, but he said that that wouldn't have anything to do with this only the lights on the dash

Changed the motor and gear oil, installed a luggage rack. Replaced a mirror.

Sprayed some wd40 on the carb while it was hooked up and wiped it down with a rag
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I think that you're missing a ground connection either at the starter or from the frame to the motor.

or your battery is shit. just cuz you've got volts doesn't mean you have the amps to turn the motor over.

it's possible that your bendix or half pulley shit the bed, but unlikely due to mileage.

maybe the kill switch just took a crap randomly?

but I'd run it back and double check your brake switches and grounds first before digging into what could potentially be a big ass time consuming job

describe the whirring when you press the button, or even better post a video of it.
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The battery is several years old, of all the things you said that seems like a likely candidate, scooter was non-op since about 2018 when I bought it in March of this year oh, I had assumed that if it had proper voltage that the battery was okay but because of what you said I'm thinking maybe not.

My step-dad is coming over today to take a look at it, he used to be an auto mechanic and he owns a Harley, I'll forward your suggestions to him.
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You did not forget to click in the side stand?
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PeterCC wrote:
You did not forget to click in the side stand?
most US models do not have a side stand or side stand switch.

and also, if you're using a side stand or start your bike on the side stand you deserve what befalls you.
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CaliScooterGuy wrote:
The battery is several years old, of all the things you said that seems like a likely candidate, scooter was non-op since about 2018 when I bought it in March of this year oh, I had assumed that if it had proper voltage that the battery was okay but because of what you said I'm thinking maybe not.

My step-dad is coming over today to take a look at it, he used to be an auto mechanic and he owns a Harley, I'll forward your suggestions to him.
harley? keep him away from it!

(I'm just kidding)

if he's got an automotive background he should be able to suss it out.

but I'll take a flyer on it being your battery.

just remember, the starting circuit is connected to the brake circuit. so if you don't gots no brake lights you ain't got no start-y start-y

(lefts or rights don't matter as long as the bulb lights)

and double check your kill switch.
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Will do thanks! Gonna swing by NAPA Auto Parts in a bit, they said they could test the battery, and go from there.
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Got the starter and relay in, charged up the new battery and hooked it up and lo and behold it started right up! All the lights on the dash as well as the running lights seem to be working properly and it seems to be running well. Tested the voltage with my new $12 Walmart volt meter, shows 13.1V engine off and 14.6V with engine running, this means I get to keep it right?

Made a short video
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Well fixed.
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