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What does this screw really do? Since there is only one screw and the carb box is large, and the box to case gasket is thin, can tightening this screw cant the box and cause an air leak? Wouldn't the two properly torqued carb bolts do the job, maybe better without than with the screw?
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Using the wrong type of screw can cause the carb box not to sit flush or can interfere with sealing of the gasket. It has to have a countersunk head and it has to have the correct diameter to fit in the recess.
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it is kind of "insurance". It gets the box sitting flat, but the carb nuts are what really secure it. In the LML motors it doesn't exist, because the reed valve takes over the real estate. As socalguy mentioned, if the screw doesn't fit in the hole it can cause issues.
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