Stromrider wrote:
It's also not credible that 0.3hp will give you an extra 5kph uphill to 125kph. The extra power required for that feat is going to be much higher & depending on the hill of course. 0.3hp is insignificant in terms of testing & won't actually be detectable on the road. Your bike power output varies far more than that on a daily basis even in standard form both up & down the scale.
In conclusion, & to remind you of what I have said, you 'may' be getting extra power from the mod. But because the figure you quote is insignificant in engineering testing terms it cannot be regarded as evidence of improvement due to 'drilling holes', at least without more testing information. Any speed increase you are getting won't be down to just 0.3hp.
In conclusion, & to remind you of what I have said, you 'may' be getting extra power from the mod. But because the figure you quote is insignificant in engineering testing terms it cannot be regarded as evidence of improvement due to 'drilling holes', at least without more testing information. Any speed increase you are getting won't be down to just 0.3hp.
It is my new mod using the HPE air bellows that has given me a speed improvement up that long hill. Only one test run so far due to wet weather, but I have NEVER achieved more than 120 kph up that hill in the past 20 years. Hope to repeat the run tomorrow.
Of course Paul's results were not reported in a scientific manner. Ideally he should have said how many test runs he did both with and without the mod, and reported standard deviations and confidence levels for his measurements. Then we would know exactly how much confidence we should put in his result. But with his background I am quite confident in his result, just a little disappointed that it wasn't more.
In engineering terms 0.3 hp is not insignificant if there have been enough runs to consolidate the result. It is only insignificant if only one test was done. It would of course be better if someone else, in another part of the world maybe, repeated the test.