Then along came the HPE. This was the first Vespa in a long time that had been designed as a unit, instead of just a collection of parts that worked. The changes had two purposes, to increase performance and to meet emission guidelines. One of the changes was the induction pipe (yes, I know, there are a few different types, as Steelbytes will probably chime in to say) which now had a curve on the end that extended through the diaphragm that I had cut away. This was surely not an emissions mod, so it had to be part of the performance change that gave the HPE it's extra performance. So I decided to try it in my 2018 GTS300.
It took two months for the part (1A011902) to arrive from SIP. I installed it the next day and took the scooter for a test ride. On my acceleration strip it didn't seem any different, but the power felt better at 100-120 kph. But I needed more than seat-of-pants, After weeks of rainy weather I finally got to my test hill on a nearby motorway. My best ever up this long steep hill has been 120 kph, and today after filtering through heavy traffic I accelerated up to 125 kph, and felt that with
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