As winter is upon us (at least some of us) I have myself a S150 that I'm working on. See my other post(s) as to what it is - long story short 2008 with less than 2 miles on it.
I am out of Chicago area and plan to do 400 mile trips (one way ) up north to WI (door county). For now lets say its just me riding...
What is the best/need mod/accessory for the scoot? I would take side roads to make my trip(s). I am prepping to order from SIP and at this point box is pretty big (lol) ... so few extra items will do just fine.
Biggest question in my head - is 150 enough (and dump money at it) or should I look at 300's and not waste my time/energy on this? I used to have a old P200 and it was perfect (till I got hit and took 2+ yrs getting back into Vespa's)
Thanks in advance...