2021 Liberty
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2021 Liberty
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The first time that I filled up I realized that I was not going to be able to live with the green insert in the fuel tank of my new 2021 Liberty 150S. I realize that it is there for a reason but, since I am not about to fill the scooter with diesel, I decided that I coiuld live without it. I googled around and found this forum but it did not really tell me how to go about performing the removal so I came up with a very simple method. I took a piece of 1/4-20 threaded rod and sandwiched a small washer between two nuts at one end. I
then clamped a pair of vice grips to the rod about a foot up from the washer and nuts. I pushed the rod down through the insert and hooked the washer under the bottom edge of the insert. I then tapped up on the vice grips (used a brass hammer to avoid sparks)
and the insert came right out.
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Gigi, '13 GTS 300ie Touring
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@guzzi_gal avatar
Gigi, '13 GTS 300ie Touring
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Welcome to MV, Mister Mikey!
As long as you don't loan/sell it to someone who will forget what it takes. Laughing emoticon

Molto Verboso
2023 Genuine Buddy 125
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Molto Verboso
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20,000 miles into ownership with my Liberty and I still have that weird green thing in my tank. I've found the key is to go slow when filling. Yes, I've had the burp backs, overfill and whatnot but I think I got it down/figured out now. And welcome to the forum from another Liberty owner!
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