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Riding to a Vespa Club brunch today with two buddies in tow,
I see a minibus taxi pull into the road ahead of me.
I slow and manouevre to pass...

The boss-turd does a U-turn right in front of me ! What The? emoticon

Full-on braking in a straight line (ABS) I pass behind the turning minibus,
with a string of expletives exiting my mouth.
The driver didn't stop and roared off.

My Vespa buddies couldn't believe how I managed to not hit him or go down.
@steelbytes avatar

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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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Bill Dog wrote:
I'd recommend to any here to ride for 22 hours and then see where your mind goes.
It's prefer to stay alive 😝
@grouper avatar

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Fudmucker wrote:
Riding to a Vespa Club brunch today with two buddies in tow,
I see a minibus taxi pull into the road ahead of me.
I slow and manouevre to pass...

The boss-turd does a U-turn right in front of me ! What The? emoticon

Full-on braking in a straight line (ABS) I pass behind the turning minibus,
with a string of expletives exiting my mouth.
The driver didn't stop and roared off.

My Vespa buddies couldn't believe how I managed to not hit him or go down.
Now THAT is how mindfulness pays off.👍
Glad you are ok.
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eeeee bip
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Na, you'll be fine.

Just remember acute discomfort is always welcome and you should greet it's return like an old friend.
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Never trust anybody. Even if they indicate, wait until they start turning before you believe it.

You can't trust your life to the idiots out there who are allowed to drive cars.
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My theory is that for the most part we lead very safe lives. Our cars have seatbelts and airbags. Our houses and workplaces, for the most part, are designed for safety and convenience. We could probably get through most days half asleep and be fine.

However, when you get on a bike or a pair of skis or any activity with the increase of risk to life or limb your basic survival instinct goes into a heightened state. We become more aware and are no longer coasting. For those of us that embrace this it is like an addictive drug that we crave. For those that don't, avoiding these kinds of activities is the comfort zone.

I think there are far more of the latter than the former. This is not a judgement but an observation. It is a spectrum, I think, that goes from fearful to fearless. I think riders are closer to the fearless end.
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I really wish I'd said that.

What's that old saying about being never feeling so alive as when your'e so close to death.
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Bill Dog wrote:
I really wish I'd said that.

What's that old saying about being never feeling so alive as when your'e so close to death.
I had meningitis once. Didn't feel at all like that. But, yeah ... I get what you mean.
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