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2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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@oldschooot avatar
2018 LIBERTY 150S, 2013 Kymco LIKE200iLX
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I rolled out at 5:30AM into a band of moderate-to-heavy rain. Strong winds were blowing everything sideways in the beam of my Liberty's headlight this morning--- bursts of heavy rain, leaves, branches - stuff not long enough in the beam for me to register....
Not a problem - but it got my attention.
No deer, of course. Only scooter riders out in this stuff - though, admittedly, damn few of them ...

And then I learned once safe home - that many of my fellow citizens were harmed by these same winds.
Very sad business.

I took 154 photos this morning - and it was hard to keep the camera dry for most of them.
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Arrived 1/2hr early .......Dino's not open....but I could smell the coffee brewing in there ("Kenyan A", today)
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My Nolan kept me dry and fog-free - as the rain clicked mightily on it at even my modest speeds.
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The second band I rode through on my way home was....@18 mins of ..."Je ne sais quoi ~!" as it attacked me from my left front (what is that in Navy-speak?)

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These two - I'm almost blown dry before heading home into the above, before the 2nd excitement.
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Thoughts and prayers for all those others.

@bob_copeland avatar

2013 Vespa 300 Super, 2022 Kymco AK 550
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@bob_copeland avatar
2013 Vespa 300 Super, 2022 Kymco AK 550
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You get the award for early morning riding and great photos. Going out in the rain is something I give you credit for, but, do not understand.
Riding is over here in Minnesotawith 13 inches of snow Friday - Saturday.

Ride safe,

Bob Copeland
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Molto Verboso
71' Sprint Veloce , 05' Vespa PX150, 1978 P200E
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Molto Verboso
@scooterist avatar
71' Sprint Veloce , 05' Vespa PX150, 1978 P200E
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^^ No kidding. This guy is bulletproof. I never done that(waking up so early to go for a ride) specially in a rainy day but you have to give this guy credit, that is awesome that he is enjoying it.

For me the biggest challenge that I faced so far is to get out there in the Arizona desert when is scorching hot. I done it a few times but I am always fully sleeved.

I tend to not trust two way single lane traffic roads at night because I don't trust the distracted drivers and less the impaired.
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