adri wrote:
Just going to add to this, as someone who's toured all of Italy by bus, been back multiple times (I'm a dual citizen), and am planning a return trip on motorcycle, I would avoid Piza altogether. Tourist trap. Try to tour the country as a local, not a tourist, and you'll really get the buon gusto of what Italy is all about.
There's no place like Rome.
Ha, just shows how easy it is to ask recommendations from strangers
I happened to fly into the Pisa airport once (its a small one) and took the opportunity to see Pisa. The town itself is just a town, but I loved the leaning tower
It was much more impressive than just seen further away from the road that goes around Pisa. Just for that, I would do it. Again.
Then again... yes, one could spend a week in Roma, and I have, but... hmmm.. don't really have an urge to go there again. Kind of felt like a 'tic the tourist boxes' place for me, somehow was less impressive than the much more simple Pisa experience
A friend lived in Rome and guided for the non-touristique side too, but still...kind of represents Italy in a way Paris represents France, in good and bad?
So there you go!
P. S Florence, Siena, the area in between.. quite nice, so I can see the votes are unanimous there.