Fly 125 3v
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Fly 125 3v
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Hi all, I'm need of some advice please someone tried to steal my fly 125 3v last night but I have a immobiliser on it so they can't ride off in to the sunset with it but they have damaged the ignition barrel real bad and snapped my steering lock. My bike only came with the blue key no brown one,, will I have trouble replacing the ignition barrel with only me only having the blue key,, in other words would the thing that saved the bike ie the immobiliser cause me problems getting a replacement,, any advice would be really appreciated since I'm a complete noob when it comes to my little moped,, many thanks
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Ouch! They did a right number on that. Is your insurance fully comp or TPF&T?
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Did they use a torch? It looks burned.
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Golding88 wrote:
Hi all, I'm need of some advice please someone tried to steal my fly 125 3v last night but I have a immobiliser on it so they can't ride off in to the sunset with it but they have damaged the ignition barrel real bad and snapped my steering lock. My bike only came with the blue key no brown one,, will I have trouble replacing the ignition barrel with only me only having the blue key,, in other words would the thing that saved the bike ie the immobiliser cause me problems getting a replacement,, any advice would be really appreciated since I'm a complete noob when it comes to my little moped,, many thanks
This looks so much like a 1st April picture... Laughing emoticon


The ignition barrel does look perfectly fine...
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That smacks of straight-up vandalism: "If I can't steal it, I can still trash it."
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amateriat wrote:
That smacks of straight-up vandalism: "If I can't steal it, I can still trash it."
Or possibly they figured it's quicker to melt the plastic body panel to get at the wiring as fast as possible to hot wire it. And failed at the latter.

Who knows. Sucks though.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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That looks drilled with a rather blunt drill to me.

The ignition barrel might be fine - I bet the wiring behind has been trashed though.
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