Does anybody know about the 3 wires soldered to the felt pad mounting bracket on a stator?
I have a 1980 P125x and it has a new stator put on in late 201 , about 500 miles ago by the old owner, with a bunch more work.
I recently pulled a new single yellow wire harness thru and had everything working as spec!
I looked at my star plate and the old felt was beyond haggered so I got a used one from Scooterwest and resoldered the 3 wires that go to the two little tits on it and I've lost my battery powered tailight/ parklight.
It now flickers at a constant lowlight and does not brighten with revs but it is powered off of stator now.
What could I have gotten wrong?
Here's a pic of the old one and its horrific solder job,but my lights worked fine then, lol