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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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Does anybody know about the 3 wires soldered to the felt pad mounting bracket on a stator?
I have a 1980 P125x and it has a new stator put on in late 201 , about 500 miles ago by the old owner, with a bunch more work.
I recently pulled a new single yellow wire harness thru and had everything working as spec!
I looked at my star plate and the old felt was beyond haggered so I got a used one from Scooterwest and resoldered the 3 wires that go to the two little tits on it and I've lost my battery powered tailight/ parklight.
It now flickers at a constant lowlight and does not brighten with revs but it is powered off of stator now.

What could I have gotten wrong?
Here's a pic of the old one and its horrific solder job,but my lights worked fine then, lol
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Don't know what went wrong but you can isolate the problem between stator, regulator, or battery.

At the regulator/rectifier check the stator wires for voltage. Purple wire (#2 in pic below) and yellow wire (#4 in pic below) should be more then 12 volts. If not there's a stator problem or bad connection at junction box.

At the regulator/rectifier check the power wires for voltage to lights. Purple wire (#1 in the pic below) s/b around 12 AC volts. The gray wire (#3 in pic below) s/b around 12 DC volts. If not there's a problem with regulator/rectifier.

Check the grounds all around the regulator and check battery connections. Check battery if fully charged...over 12 volts DC.

Good luck!

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Looks like someone used the base plate as a ground. Maybe you should ground those wire elsewhere ?
@peeteboy2 avatar

1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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rowdyc wrote:
Don't know what went wrong but you can isolate the problem between stator, regulator, or battery.

At the regulator/rectifier check the stator wires for voltage. Purple wire (#2 in pic below) and yellow wire (#4 in pic below) should be more then 12 volts. If not there's a stator problem or bad connection at junction box.

At the regulator/rectifier check the power wires for voltage to lights. Purple wire (#1 in the pic below) s/b around 12 AC volts. The gray wire (#3 in pic below) s/b around 12 DC volts. If not there's a problem with regulator/rectifier.

Check the grounds all around the regulator and check battery connections. Check battery if fully charged...over 12 volts DC.

Thank you. I will probably jump on doing that Monday.
Thanks for helping!

Good luck!

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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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Moto64 wrote:
Looks like someone used the base plate as a ground. Maybe you should ground those wire elsewhere ?
Ya except that old style felt mounting bracket has a couple tits sticking up that definitely look like a ground point, or not, lol
And its odd to me that it worked fine before the swap and my soldering is much cleaner then what you see there.
anyway I will study more about the stator and like you said probably ground elsewhere.

Thank you
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In this pic, it looks like the grounds are attached to a ring plate riveted to the stator body. Like the one at the bottom. Maybe solder them to a ring terminal and clamp it under the mounting screw for the felt plate ?

edit: I realize that attaching the grounds to the felt plate clamped to the stator isn't much different from a ring terminal but at least you don't have to unsolder them to change the felt. In any case, the grounds have to be really positive and maybe the felt plate is a big heat sink and it didn't get hot enough for the solder to really flow. ?
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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1980 P125x 2002 Bajaj Chetak
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Moto64 wrote:
In this pic, it looks like the grounds are attached to a ring plate riveted to the stator body. Like the one at the bottom. Maybe solder them to a ring terminal and clamp it under the mounting screw for the felt plate ?

edit: I realize that attaching the grounds to the felt plate clamped to the stator isn't much different from a ring terminal but at least you don't have to unsolder them to change the felt. In any case, the grounds have to be really positive and maybe the felt plate is a big heat sink and it didn't get hot enough for the solder to really flow. ?
I see what your saying . I'm convinced that I flowed the solder well.

A question after looking at your pic, would it matter if my 3 wires are individually grounded or stacked and soldered together in a glob? Assuming the glob has good flow and all.

The way they are in your picture seems to be separate, and that back one is awful high to be grounded to the stator plate.
Just a thought
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Ground is ground. Just got to be good.
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