I just posted my Vespa here and on Craigslist. [California - Bay Area] SOLD 2018 GTS 300 for sale
I am sad but 1) I no longer commute so it's now just a fun weekend, putt putt around town only vehicle, 2) I am expecting in March which means for at least 2+ish years I won't be able to realistically keep three vehicles going and 3) I can use the funds to help during my unpaid parental leave.
A few questions. But first a general thank you in advance, this group has been sooooooo supportive. I've posted only a few times but when I have y'all been there!
There are a couple of consignment shops out there, any recommended ones from the group? I'm in the California Bay Area (Southbay). It'd be much easier on me if I can hand it off to someone. I did a google search on selling a scooter and I found a thread and lost it from this site about best practices (like taking a license and deposit before a test ride or not allowing it at all), anyone remember it and can point me back to it. I sold my 74 here (Hi if you're reading) but that was sold as is, didn't have a test ride mostly because I wasn't able to get it started, but he did haha. Lastly Craigslist or Cycletrader?
Wish me luck!