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In parallel to the range of beliefs that celebrate holidays at this time,
I would like to acknowledge the December Solstice and wish everyone happy change of season.

From today the North's Winter days get longer and the South's Summer days get shorter.
Enjoy the phenomenon...

Popcorn emoticon
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And the latest sunrise for the Northern Hemisphere will be on Jan 4th 2022. (The earliest sunset was on Dec 7th 2021)
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Ms. Miguel and I always acknowledge the Winter and Summer Solstices, especially the Winter because the days grow longer and we're about 1/3 the way thru Winter weather in our part of California. We always look forward to the Vernal Equinox too; but not so much the Autumnal Equinox.

Thanks Fudmucker.
Screenshot from the Weather Underground app on my phone
Screenshot from the Weather Underground app on my phone
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Have a very festive solstice and I am sorry they were out of mead, LOL, I usually celebrate the solstice with a good friend whose birthday it also happens to be, this year we are both worked different shifts so after I got off work I arranged for a Hawaii pizza party, double the topping and a bottle of room temperature Mountain Dew, her drink of choice to be delivered to the plant for her small department to enjoy. Today I got a lot of thanks from the incoming shift and I did promote our local Pizza Hut who made their meal.
Me, I ran to Springfield to have a long swab run up my nose, pre-surgery Covid-19 as I have hardware to be removed the 24th, and No, my orthopedic team will Not let me keep the 2 screws they are removing, they don't think they are Vespa compatible.
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This morning I learnt that Solstice meant stationary, because the sunset point stops progressing and starts regressing.

The word solstice ultimately derives from the Latin sōlstitium, which comes from the parts sōl, "sun," and sistere, "to stand still." This means that sōlstitium literally translates to something like "the standing still of the sun."
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We just call it Wintersonnenwende.
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maggiegirl wrote:
Me, I ran to Springfield to have a long swab run up my nose, pre-surgery Covid-19 as I have hardware to be removed the 24th, and No, my orthopedic team will Not let me keep the 2 screws they are removing, they don't think they are Vespa compatible.
What The? emoticon
Whether they are Vespa compatible or not, I would insist!

I am not a legal practitioner, but I would put to them:
1. You paid for them on installation;
2. You have been in uninterrupted possession of them since installation;
3. You seek to ensure that they are not improperly re-used on unsuspecting customers;
4. They are not refunding you the scrap value of the metal, thereby unjustifiably enriching themselves at your expense;
5. There will be traces of your human tissue on them that you do not wish to go into unmonitored circulation, and most importantly;
6. You will be deprived of an ongoing conversation piece if they deny you continued possession after you pay them to remove them;

If an auto shop must return used parts to the customer, I see no reason why these screws should be any different...

At least it will make an interesting conversation topic with your surgeon. Laughing emoticon
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I usually go to Stonehenge for the winter one with the Gorsedd Cor Gawr inside the stones they offer 80 tickets worldwide near the time and it's free on a first come first serve basis. Don't do the summer one usually working at Glastonbury Festival then.

"yn wyneb haul, llygad goleuni", "in the face of the sun, the eye of light",
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Hey Fud, thanks for thinking about the Solstice.

You and I are really far apart on latitude. I would think that
you folks would actually fall off the globe being down there.

Happy solstice

Bob Copeland
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