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so, a ways back I bought a set of Stella cases. stupidly I did not realize that there was no carb box or reed cage.

so, I come to the collective to ask: what are my options? it would seem that used parts are damn near nonexistent and eBay is all Indian or UK shippers with big question marks.

it's not going to be a performance build, and ideally I'd just like to keep it stock and injected. but pricing out the pieces (minus a carb) is already enough dough to where I may as well go with an aftermarket reed set up. but then I'm back in the same boat, I don't need a huge carb.


thanks all!
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For what it's worth every Indian dude on ebay that I've dealt with has been pretty reliable.
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mr-blazer wrote:
For what it's worth every Indian dude on ebay that I've dealt with has been pretty reliable.
good to know, but my hang up is in the customs fees and import charges. order a $35 part and get touched up for a grip of fees. I'm not in any rush, so the shipping time isn't a concern it's just that I don't want to spend money only to get blasted on b'side in fees.
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I haven't gotten hosed on fees with the few things I've bought off ebay, but maybe I was just lucky.

Scooterworks have the reed block for non-injected (no hole for the oiler gear, but it's $67. I might have one lying around I could send you, along with an airbox. It's less a matter of "do I have them?" and more a matter of "can I find them?" though.
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chandlerman wrote:
I haven't gotten hosed on fees with the few things I've bought off ebay, but maybe I was just lucky.

Scooterworks have the reed block for non-injected (no hole for the oiler gear, but it's $67. I might have one lying around I could send you, along with an airbox. It's less a matter of "do I have them?" and more a matter of "can I find them?" though.
ha! so you're rowing in my boat I see!

if you happen to trip over that stuff ping me and I'll shoot you some PayPal if you wanna off load it, I'd be most appreciative

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Scooter Mercato has the non-injected reed as well. As far as the carb box, if you're not running an oil injection setup, you can use a Vespa non-injected box over the reed valve and just dremel the opening to make it flow better.
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If you can't find them as spare let me know, I could trade you injected LML for non LML injected parts.That is if they will bolt on. I have injected parts from my running 177 build but I'm not using oil injection any longer, oil tank is gone. I did fit boyesen reeds and cut out the center support bar.
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greasy125 wrote:
good to know, but my hang up is in the customs fees and import charges. order a $35 part and get touched up for a grip of fees. I'm not in any rush, so the shipping time isn't a concern it's just that I don't want to spend money only to get blasted on b'side in fees.
I used e-bay/Indian merchants for several parts for my 2006 Stella 2T. The price was clearly stated, as was shipping. There were never any hidden fees or customs duty charges.

Typically, I had my parts in 14 days or less. My .02
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Mattgyver wrote:

Scooter Mercato has the non-injected reed as well. As far as the carb box, if you're not running an oil injection setup, you can use a Vespa non-injected box over the reed valve and just dremel the opening to make it flow better.
oh, awesome! I searched and searched for that and couldn't find it. great information, I wasn't 100% on my hunch so thanks for confirming what I thought.
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Christopher_55934 wrote:
If you can't find them as spare let me know, I could trade you injected LML for non LML injected parts.That is if they will bolt on. I have injected parts from my running 177 build but I'm not using oil injection any longer, oil tank is gone. I did fit boyesen reeds and cut out the center support bar.
send me a PM and let's see if we can work out a trade. if it makes any difference, I only have vespa and Bajaj stuff, no LML bits so hopefully that stuff will work for you. anyway, ping me and let's see what we can make happen.

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greasy125 wrote:
oh, awesome! I searched and searched for that and couldn't find it. great information, I wasn't 100% on my hunch so thanks for confirming what I thought.
I'll second that. I've purchased from a couple Indian seller for repop triumph parts (even a tank) and also Scootopia off eBay. Never been hit with any import fees what so ever.

Shipping from India takes a few weeks. Scootopia had parts at my door in like 4 days with $5-10 shipping charges.

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2nd Ave scooters had made up quality reed gaskets and carbon fibre reeds for the LML / Stella. The original metal reeds can break and go into your cylinder and give you a very bad day. But if carbon fibre break they will not harm the cylinder and get spit out the exhaust.

It's a great case, but change the bearings if you have not already. The Indian made bearings they used were rubbish. This is not a racist comment, the company had to use a domestic supplier and they were crap.

And the crank is often garbage as well.

Good luck
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I'm pretty sure Greasy knows a thing or two about Stellas. Razz emoticon

Anyways, G, I dug around my workshop a little bit this morning and couldn't find that reed block, so I may not have your hookup after all.

For that matter, I may have problems of my own because I couldn't find the reed block that fits on the Stella motor that I had in my VBB, so now I gotta figure out where those went. Or just upgrade it to an MMW block, RD350 reeds, and throw a PWK on it. One of the two.
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chandlerman wrote:
I'm pretty sure Greasy knows a thing or two about Stellas. Razz emoticon

Anyways, G, I dug around my workshop a little bit this morning and couldn't find that reed block, so I may not have your hookup after all.

For that matter, I may have problems of my own because I couldn't find the reed block that fits on the Stella motor that I had in my VBB, so now I gotta figure out where those went. Or just upgrade it to an MMW block, RD350 reeds, and throw a PWK on it. One of the two.
Option #2
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I am planning on doing a mold and making a cast of my original Reed block. I am willing to send a cast block copy out whenever I can confirm the cast copy is quality and works. But I cannot offer an expected time frame as I haven't done it before and have no idea how long it will take me to finally get this project started/completed.

One question I need to solve for is the correct casting material that has the correct hardness and is fuel and oil resistant, with a mild heat resistance.

It's also freezing in my garage where I have the air compressor for the mold making tank.. Most molding and casting chemicals prefer warmer temps than what my garage is at currently. Not sure if that would affect the end result.

As everyone knows.. this part seems to be approaching unobtanium. I already ruined one block and was luckily able to find a nos replacement on eBay a few months ago as I prefer to keep the lml auto lube carb systems so I am using the one I have. That seller seems to have none left. I'm hesitant to modify my replacement block.. hence the idea to make dupes of it. When I get back in town I'll move this project to the front and hopefully be able to get something functional in the next month or so.
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Why is the non-auto lube available but the auto lube is unobtainium?
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WideAWAKE wrote:
I'll second that. I've purchased from a couple Indian seller for repop triumph parts (even a tank) and also Scootopia off eBay. Never been hit with any import fees what so ever.

Shipping from India takes a few weeks. Scootopia had parts at my door in like 4 days with $5-10 shipping charges.
thanks for the clarification. appreciate it!
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davidsquaredson wrote:
2nd Ave scooters had made up quality reed gaskets and carbon fibre reeds for the LML / Stella. The original metal reeds can break and go into your cylinder and give you a very bad day. But if carbon fibre break they will not harm the cylinder and get spit out the exhaust.

It's a great case, but change the bearings if you have not already. The Indian made bearings they used were rubbish. This is not a racist comment, the company had to use a domestic supplier and they were crap.

And the crank is often garbage as well.

Good luck
thanks for the lead on 2nd ave, I'll check that out.

I'm starting with a bare case so no worries there. it'll get a hodgepodge of upgrades and what not from stuff that's kicking around the shop. I've done a bunch of cranks and bearings on Stellas, so I'm well aware.
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chandlerman wrote:
I'm pretty sure Greasy knows a thing or two about Stellas. Razz emoticon

Anyways, G, I dug around my workshop a little bit this morning and couldn't find that reed block, so I may not have your hookup after all.

For that matter, I may have problems of my own because I couldn't find the reed block that fits on the Stella motor that I had in my VBB, so now I gotta figure out where those went. Or just upgrade it to an MMW block, RD350 reeds, and throw a PWK on it. One of the two.
hahaha! I like your line of thinking!

thanks for checking out the scene. I appreciate it. I'm not in any rush, so if that stuff happens to show up months from now, just hit me up. it's a long term project, and I'm just slowly acquiring items so I don't have to go whole hog when I'm ready to party.
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sdjohn wrote:
Why is the non-auto lube available but the auto lube is unobtainium?
it's probably a production and regional reason. they made wayyy more for SEA market, and I'd guess that those are all premix. the auto lube was for the states and UK/Europe so much smaller market.

that's just a WAG on my part
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swiss1939 wrote:
I am planning on doing a mold and making a cast of my original Reed block. I am willing to send a cast block copy out whenever I can confirm the cast copy is quality and works. But I cannot offer an expected time frame as I haven't done it before and have no idea how long it will take me to finally get this project started/completed.

One question I need to solve for is the correct casting material that has the correct hardness and is fuel and oil resistant, with a mild heat resistance.

It's also freezing in my garage where I have the air compressor for the mold making tank.. Most molding and casting chemicals prefer warmer temps than what my garage is at currently. Not sure if that would affect the end result.

As everyone knows.. this part seems to be approaching unobtanium. I already ruined one block and was luckily able to find a nos replacement on eBay a few months ago as I prefer to keep the lml auto lube carb systems so I am using the one I have. That seller seems to have none left. I'm hesitant to modify my replacement block.. hence the idea to make dupes of it. When I get back in town I'll move this project to the front and hopefully be able to get something functional in the next month or so.
I'd be in if this comes to fruition and doesn't break the bank.
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greasy125 wrote:
I'd be in if this comes to fruition and doesn't break the bank.

Also, you could sand cast it and get CM2 to machine the surfaces down.

While you're at it, you could improve the design to deliver performance rather than fuel economy. The hard part is going to be the sealing surface for the reeds.

I have done thoughts when I'm not on my phone...
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chandlerman wrote:

Also, you could sand cast it and get CM2 to machine the surfaces down.

While you're at it, you could improve the design to deliver performance rather than fuel economy. The hard part is going to be the sealing surface for the reeds.

I have done thoughts when I'm not on my phone...
I just assumed to not worry about the rubber section of the block and just cast it all in hard resin. I think other side draft Reed blocks the petals just seal against standard plastic. I figured lml did the rubber thing cause they used metal petals which wouldn't seal as easily to aluminum block cause they don't have flex like carbon fiber (also metal petals would wear out the aluminum block surface over time), and using the resin cast dupe I assume you would be using carbon fiber petals that won't need the rubber protection.

Also I was thinking of just molding the standard block without any mods so that any performance grinding gets done to resin copies. This means mistakes are easily corrected with a new dupe.

Edit: also just realized I would need to mold and cast the metal Reed back stop plate as well cause that was my main issue that destroyed my block.. running with carbon fiber petals without the metal back stop. The petals sucked too far into the intake and broke contacting the crank. Metal plate is there for a reason.. stops petals from bending too far into the intake since the stock intake is right above the crank unlike the side draft Reed blocks that are way deeper and impossible for petals to contact the crank.
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greasy125 wrote:
I'd be in if this comes to fruition and doesn't break the bank.
Free to mv regulars on request! But again.. need to make it a reality instead of just an idea. My biggest hangup! I get distracted easy.

Over promise. Under deliver.. Facepalm emoticon
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got it sorted! MV member az_slynch hooked me up!

thanks my dude!

if anybody else has Stella stuff they are looking to unload hit me up!
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What stuff are you needing, specifically? There are a few leftovers from the cannibalized bike.

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Some things about the Stella reed block:

1. those little screws holding the reed in place, you must loc-tite them! They also strip out (heads and threads) pretty easily. I had to JB-Weld one in once.

2. You might want to swap in boyesen reeds. When I did so I also took off the metal reed stop.

3. Everyone grinds off the metal bar in the middle of the inlet.

Stuff you probably already know, but just in case.
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I 100% agree with everything except taking off the reed stop. I know people have had the fiberglass reed pull down far enough to hit the crank and trash the reed.

I bent my stops way down, but left it in place, and while I pushed my Stella hinge more than once, it was never because I killed the reed.
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yackee wrote:
Some things about the Stella reed block:

1. those little screws holding the reed in place, you must loc-tite them! They also strip out (heads and threads) pretty easily. I had to JB-Weld one in once.

2. You might want to swap in boyesen reeds. When I did so I also took off the metal reed stop.

3. Everyone grinds off the metal bar in the middle of the inlet.

Stuff you probably already know, but just in case.
always good to have a reminder!

this is gonna be a super low key build, very stock or stock-ish in that it's for Dr. Mrs. The Greasy so nothing Ricky racer. stock top end if I can source one, if not a ASC 166, probably an ASC big bore exhaust or maybe a BGM/SIP road. slightly lightened flywheel, 20/20, electronic, cosa clutch. just mellow, reliable, rideable stuff.
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sdjohn wrote:
What stuff are you needing, specifically? There are a few leftovers from the cannibalized bike.
any kind of motor stuff, really. hit me up whenever and we can wheel and deal. you've got the hotline number!
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greasy125 wrote:
any kind of motor stuff, really. hit me up whenever and we can wheel and deal. you've got the hotline number!
Ah there my help isn't so good, I'm using the LML engine and I traded away all the Stella engine electrical stuff.
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