Here's a graph for Christmas.
What is it? It's speedo (vertical km/h) vs fuel use (horizontal km/l). The green is showing 'stable' speeds'.
roughly it shows that at 100kmph the fuel use is 30km/l. Then as the speedo ramps up towards 130 the fuel use drop towards 20km/l. Obviously wind resistance is gaining in significance (as predicted)
Below 80kmph it's a lot less clear (but does roughly follow the pattern) because stable speeds below this can be achieved at a range of rpm depending on if you accelerated or decelerated to reach a given speed and how quickly you accel/decel. But we can still see that there's a lot of 40km/l around 60kmph.
at lower speeds like 40 or so I don't seem to have a lot of data keeping a steady speed :shrug: But I do get a sense from looking at a lot of this data that the efficiency is dropping off compared to 60ish.
Conclusion 60-70kmph is the sweet spot. (I'm guessing this is best when accelerating gently to this speed range - probably could filter the numbers a bit more to confirm this)
Data and graphing is as always performed with my VespaSnoop app and my 2019 Supertech