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Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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@scooterrabbit avatar
Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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I just got mirrors for my 2004 Yamaha Zuma and the left mirror screwed on perfectly but the right one did not screw in at all and instead the diameter of the hole that was being screwed into was too wide. I took them both out and the shafts were both the same size. This scooter was previously owed so is there a chance that the guy before me stripped out the insert or is it designed to have a larger hole on the right side for the mirrors to be screwed into? Thanks
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@jkj-fz6 avatar
BV400, Primavera 150, Yamaha Zuma 125
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Some bikes, and I think Zumas included, have left-handed threads on one of the mirrors. Hopefully it's just a matter of turning the mirror the correct way and not that the threads are already stripped.
@scooterrabbit avatar

Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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JKJ-FZ6 wrote:
Some bikes, and I think Zumas included, have left-handed threads on one of the mirrors. Hopefully it's just a matter of turning the mirror the correct way and not that the threads are already stripped.
O boy, Well I hope that that is the case, thanks for the help!

Molto Verboso
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Molto Verboso
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Right/throttle side is reverse thread. A bunch of people snap the mirror stalk off on that side, or strip it out. The back plate to the controls can be purchased individually from the whole control assembly. Also note that Genuine Biddy uses the same controls and back plates. I have extra back plates for both sides hiding in the garage. If needed hit me up.

Best mirrors for a Zuma are for a Yamaha C3. They are oval shaped and offer a great view behind you.
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Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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Yamaha Zuma 50cc
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sc00ter wrote:
Right/throttle side is reverse thread. A bunch of people snap the mirror stalk off on that side, or strip it out. The back plate to the controls can be purchased individually from the whole control assembly. Also note that Genuine Biddy uses the same controls and back plates. I have extra back plates for both sides hiding in the garage. If needed hit me up.

Best mirrors for a Zuma are for a Yamaha C3. They are oval shaped and offer a great view behind you.
Awesome! Thank you so much, I'll check out the reverse thread thing and if worse comes to worse, Ill need to find a way to replace that backplate like you said. Thanks
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Veni, Vidi, Posti
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The right mirror on Yamaha, is reverse thread. Piaggio has gone to a reverse thread left mirror over the last few years.
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