2005 ET2
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2005 ET2
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Just wanted to introduce myself as I recently joined the forum. Recently I finished "restoring" a 1971 Honda CB175 and now I'm moving into modern Vespas! So I've got some general knowledge of small-ish engines which is helping already.

The past couple days I picked up two Vespa ET2s, one 2004 and one 2005. Both in rough shape, either running, prior owner of course said they were running before they were stored about 10 years ago. Already running into little things that don't really add up from that but that's how it goes. Either way I'm super excited.

Already I've been searching this forum and getting a ton of useful information, also been watching hours of the Vespa Motorsport youtube channel, it's so amazing!

So I'm starting with the 2005 as supposedly it needed the least but I've slowly learning it's actually needing a lot more attention than expected. Right now I'm working on replacing the throttle cables. The splitter is cracked/chipped and not functioning and the cables seem to bind in their housing so while they probably just need some lube, I figured new cables would help overall and I can re-use the old ones on the 2004.

The carb is in good shape but the electronic choke seems to be broken. The piece the needle that fits in the carb is no longer there, and the brass cylinder piece that surrounds the needle seems to be imbedded in the carb. Maybe I'm missing something but I doubt there should be a brass cylinder with a small hole in the carb where the electronic choke fits. If anyone knows if that sounds wrong and that piece should come out, please let me know!

The fuel valve was interesting to me, surprised it uses a vacuum instead of a on/off/reserve switch like on my motorcycle. When trying to replace the fuel and vacuum lines, the fuel tap/valve literally broke and fuel starting running out. Luckily had a bucket ready. Was planning on getting the old fuel out anyways so that just expedited the process. Ordered a couple new taps for both just in case.

Electrics are pretty good, electric start works, blinks and brake light works but headlight and horn doesn't. Good spark from the spark plug. Compression is a little low at 90 but I'm hoping to not have to remove the engine and fits new rings/hone but I figure that might be an option down the road.

Prior owner painted the 2005 pink, while it is blue underneath. The spray paint is slowly chipping off and sort of protected the blue underneath. Hoping to get off the pink as soon as it's up and running. I have all the plastics which are in great shape, but just a little pink.

So that's where I'm at right now. I'll be searching the forums for 99.9% of my questions but may need some assistance here and there.
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DCet2, welcome to MV!

Looks like you have your hands happily full. Enjoy and keep posting those pics!

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Hello DCet2 (x2 ) and welcome from sunny San Diego.
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i hope the price was right.

Molto Verboso
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Welcome to MV from New England

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Welcome. Upside is you picked a fairly simple engine to work on. You will also fine it is a lot easier to work on with the whole engine/swingarm removed. Have fun with it.

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Welcome to the group. I hope you enjoy your ET2!

2005 ET2
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2005 ET2
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Thanks everyone!

Just waiting on some parts coming in this week to hopefully start her up. Unsure if the price was "right" but I paid $400 for it. The other scooter I paid $200, actually hoping that's easier to get going, but will need the most cosmetic work.

I have started the pink paint removal process. I'm using something I've used in the past, "Citristrip" which is a biodegradable stripping gel. Right now the pink paint comes up super easily, but the primer underneath needs an extra dose. I do have a question about the carb but will open up a new thread.
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The little brass fitting you mentioned is the broken plunger for the Bystarter. Instead of a choke, these carbs richen the mixture when the engine is cold by opening small extra-air and fuel auxiliary channel. The black fixture with the wires contains a wax that retracts the plunger when cold, and then pushes it down to block those auxiliary channels when heated by the element powered by those wires, or just heated by the outlet of the forced air over a warm engine.

Ten years of evaporation turn Gasoline into something resembling epoxy. In my own effort to remove the Bystarter assembly from my 1987 Aero, the plunger inevitably breaks off, because it's cemented into the carb by the hard goo. It takes a lot of persistence to get these little carbs cleared of the Epoxy. A Long soak of the dismantled carb parts in a gallon of Berryman's cleaner, and repeated sprays of commercial Carb Cleaner followed by compressed air until you can see light through every tiny passage. Occasionally a guitar string or a bristle from a brass brush is needed to coax the gum from the passages.

New carbs can be purchased, but the Keihins run north of $200 and the Asian clones are best avoided. Nothing is wrong with your carb that patience and lots of Solvents can't cure, as long as nobody buggered up the jet threads or enlarged the passages with ham-fisted tactics. Good luck!

2005 ET2
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2005 ET2
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Thanks Wheelman for confirming! Slowly learning about this interesting electronic choke more and more. Currently spraying down this carb with penetrating spray I already have, but will look into Berryman's.

The rest of the carb looks great, just this darn stuck plunger.

New throttle cables and splitter come today/will be installed. Ordered some new gaskets for the carb as well since the old ones are pretty hard and brittle.

Also regarding my pink paint removal, I need to be more careful with this citristrip as it also strips the original paint unfortunately.
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