2007 Piaggio MP3 250
I am a 5'2" female who can barely touch my toes to the ground when coming to a stop. I have fallen over several times and had to pick up the scooter and myself. The suspension is adjusted to the lowest position. I'm just learning & getting used to the scooter, but don't see improving as a driver helping that much. I can manage split-second timing with practice, but not before I hurt myself and the scooter over and over.
I can't afford a sidecar. Redoing the seat is not something I want to do. I've looked into getting boots with thick soles. I'd prefer not to have to change my shoes at every destination or go shopping in monster boots.
Can you adjust the wheel lock to allow you to activate it before you're going so slow you have to put your feet on the ground to stay upright?
What other remedies for short people are there?