Good Morning Everyone
perhaps someone here can assist me with an educated guess and advice please
I reciently bought a Bollag VM 137 upgrade plug and play kit from Mr. Bollag himself.
on Friday I attempted to install the kit but have hit a snag on the installation and wondering if anyone might have some advice on my issue.
the kit comes with a 2mm raiser base plate, Cylinder kit, Piston and Head the issue I am having is when I install the kit the piston is knocking the head,
the head has got a 2mm raised angled skirt which slips into the barrel to assist with squish and this skirt is what is being knocked.
Mr. Bollag has tried to assist with things like making sure my crank is correct (VN motor = 55mm stroke) and also making sure the raiser plate is installed both were but I am still having this issue.
I considered the following two things I know both will change the performance of the motor BUT I got this kit not to race the bike but rather to at least be able to keep up with modern day traffic.
1. Make some paper gasket and place on under and ontop of the 2mm base plate, will try different sizes starting with 0.4mm top and bottom to begin with and slowly add sheets as I go.
I know this will change not only the squish but also port timing slightly on each gasket installed BUT right now the squish is negative number anyway.
2. machine the skirt of the cylinder head slightly lower by a few point mm.
perhaps before I try either of these 2 items someone here can advise something else for me to attempt as Mr. Bollag says
"Hi Sir
I have no clue what the problem is. I've sold and mounted many kits without any problems.
My suggestion is to find the problem and solve it. Workarounds normally don't get a fully satisfying solution. But its your engine. Its up to you to decide how to mount the kit.
I can't give you my approval for this solution, because I don't want to be responsible when it doesn't work. The only thing I can do is wish you good luck." I totally understand that there is little he can assist me with from Switzerland and his response but still does not help me and my build
I wish I we in South Africa had all the mechanics for scooters like in Europe BUT sadly this is not the case with only a hand full to get bookings with them is difficult so i tend to try do as much of my own work as I can
Video at thise URL of the knocking noise