fledermaus wrote:
Interesting that other than spacedog we're devoid of Canadians on this thread.
Wondering if they're just laying low or all off in Ottawa.
Ok I'll take the bait. Don't live in Ottawa, about four hours away, have been a few times. I have a friend who believes strongly in this protest. He went up in person himself for a night, sent us a bunch of videos in our group chat while he was there.
My observations from seeing the footage he was sending us in real time:
- No violence, no threats, no intimidation
- Mostly just people walking up and down the streets in front of parliament (our whitehouse) probably just trying to stay warm as the temperatures are around freezing
- Interactions with the cops (he's cop-related) all seem well and fine
- Instances of one or two people with flags that could be considered oppressive (keeping this vague because of forum rules) were mostly jeered at by several people who didn't want that around
- Sentiment seems to be that this is anti-mandates, not pro-anything-else
- The police threatened to charge anyone bringing "material aid" to protestors, which includes fuel, so people started buying gas cans in bulk, and filling some of them with water, some of them with gas, and then dozens of people bringing a couple cans each altogether so the police wouldn't know who to stop or not to stop
- I don't know anyone in Ottawa who has been directly impacted by this, but I know a lot of people in Toronto who are complaining about the noise in Ottawa
Those are my own personal observations as a Canadian.
Now in terms of my speculation...
Do I think it's possible people are being faced with abuse, racism, intimidation, etc.? 100%
However, I have yet to spend a day in downtown Toronto, any day of the year, whether or not there is a protest, and not witness if not experience that...
The people in Ottawa are pretty sheltered, less than 1 million people, and 300,000 of them are civil servants! It's more like a bunch of a government union workers than an actual city you'd want to live in.
I think if they came to just an average day where I live (Toronto), they would say they felt under siege as well. For those of us who grew up in the city it's like... Yeah, welcome to people!