Joe Doomsday wrote:
Ok- going by the pic I've pulled up, I'm seeing a threaded hole without seeing anything in it to screw in or out- I didn't touch those, so it may be possible it wriggled out...
Screwdriver is pointing to the hole
Screwdriver is pointing to the hole
when you do the A/F mix, don't lose the tiny spring/washer/o-ring your you're up the creek.
the clamp on that one hose is off, make sure that is secured properly and you don't have a leak there.
the packing for the shroud is all askew. so somebody's been in there before.
also, if you're doing all of this in the bike without removing the carb-- don't.
1- you'll never get it sufficiently clean or do a proper job
2- that's a great way to lose something right into the abyss of the engine area
3- you risk dropping something into the intake.
anyway, my money is still on the the carb.