Excuse my english.... I'm swedish but lives in France...
I've searched the forum but not found my problem.
My Vespa ET4 GTS is a 125 cc year 2017. I've had the same problem before but then the dealer (I think) changed the throttle body (they call it papilion/butterly here) and it got somewhat better. Now my scooter was not used for 11 month and when driving the problem returned. Starting is fine but after driving a few minutes (I guess when the ECU stops the automatic choke) the motor stops at read lights or cruising when not giving gas. Annoying and dangerous. But, when the motor gets hot (after 7-10 minutes or so) there is is no problem. Idle is perfect. I tried to disconnect the sensor sitting on top of the throttle assembly (measuring airflow?) and the motor works almost better or the same but much lower rpm (i guess) when idle but it does not stop all the time. Just sometimes. Then when hot it works fine as usual. I've understood I need to change the whole assembly but its 200 euros. Is changing the assembly the thing to do or could I check something else before? Is it worth the effort of cleaning the carburator/throttle assembly?