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Will I find a difference in the city grip and city grip "2"? …New Jersey and NYC riding
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Without looking at available tire sizes, one is the next gen of the other.
Point: The tech and tread have advanced.
Counterpoint: older gen is (almost) always cheaper.
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I've never heard of the City Grip 2 . Is this a new product ?
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JOHNTEE wrote:
I've never heard of the City Grip 2 . Is this a new product ?
Blame it on the plague. They debuted end of 2019...just in time for spring lockdown.
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I have had both, well currently CG2s and they are my new favorite tire. Been running the heck out of them and they just don't seen to wear down and great handling...Will be my next tires again.
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I can no longer find City Grip for my bikes. Only City Grip 2.
If the original is discontinued, then the age of the tire is in play.
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Had a CG2 on Melody's front wheel some months before The Incident: can't say I noticed any big difference besides replacing a worn tire with a fresh one.

Thelonca came with original CGs, which feel just fine.

In short, I wouldn't lose much sleep over choosing: I would suppose the CG2s offer some additional wet/dry condition advantages, but we're talking Darn Good versus Damn Good here, IMO.
breaknwind wrote:
I can no longer find City Grip for my bikes. Only City Grip 2.
If the original is discontinued, then the age of the tire is in play.
I believe the OG CGs were only recently discontinued (if in fact they have been axed); I wouldn't sweat about tire age if buying through reputable sources.
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They are still making the OG City Grip, but Michelin will likely discontinue it sometime in the future.

The CG2 compound has a higher Silica content, giving it better traction in wet conditions.

My friend who completed this most recent Cannonball did so on one rear tire. 4500 miles on a GTS with a fair amount of kit, and he finished 10th. So he wasn't on a casual sight seeing tour. I finished about 1/3 of the Cannonball while hammering the bike (I was in 2nd when I crashed out on Day 4), and the rear looked barely worn. Good performance in the corners and wet pavement.

CG2 is probably the best all-around tire you can get right now. I had Pirelli Angels on my GTS just prior to the CG2's and they stuck like velcro, but tire wear was higher. I imagine tread life is somewhere between 60-75% of the CG2's tread life.
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I rode the city grips for years, in-between tried out pirellis a few times. I am now running Michelin Power Pure SC tires. I am so happy with these so far. The grip is far superior to the tread on city grips IMHO. You have to special order them but it's definitely another option I'd consider if it's time for new shoes again...
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I rode CG2's in the 2021 Cannonball and they held up well. I finished on the original tires I started with and still have some tread left on the rear so will continue to run that tire. The Cannonball was about 4500 miles and I finished 8th. It was on a 2006 GTS 250 and lots of miles at WOT so about 72-73 mph.
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when I went to get new tires I wanted the City Grips and was told the only option was the Grip2. i put them on and they are great, but FYI I live in AZ and there is little rain or potholes so not sure I have anything to compare to.
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