adri wrote:
Just want to call this to attention as it might save you some grief in the future:
On some Vespas, the left mirror is reverse threaded. It goes righty loosey, lefty tighty, instead of the conventional lefty loosey righty tighty.
I don't know if your GT is one such model that does this, hopefully someone with experience with these can let you know for sure, but at least now you know to look out for it and not strip the threads by trying to force it the wrong way.
PS: Watch out, someone might try to scold you for posting about a GT even though your profile says ET People get bent out of shape over silly things...
JFC... like a dog with a bone. let it go already.
also, if you had
read the other post, you'd know that we cleared that up already. but thanks for making it all confusing again.