theschuman wrote:
Because this is the Modern Vespa forum, I need to continue to take this post off the rails… Back to the solar panel discussion: When the salesman sold us on the solar panels, adding a sub panel and EV chargers to our garage was "something the electrician can look at, no problem." Now that the contracts are signed and the site survey is already done, the electricians suddenly only specialize in solar and can do anything to add the EV chargers. We definitely need some regulation and supervision in this industry.
I see what you did there, and I plead guilty your honor. Although it was scooter related to begin with it was also about starting a small business/side hustle.
Then the subject of the incentive for scooter use, the high gas prices and the very important side benefit of more efficient vehicles being good for the environment.
Then the funny stuff going on with the contracts and surveys required by the corporate owned utilities that seems to me to reduce the incentive to improve the environment.
I realize I helped go off on a tangent but much thanks to jimc for the video and opening my eyes to the potential of a system not tied to the grid. I am greatly appreciative of this forum and this very interesting and informative conversation opportunity, much thanks to Jess.
Years ago I was involved with another really great forum that after it had a pretty large following and became very popular it changed and became less so, and I have read it mentioned in this forum as well that this forum has been saved from that fate, again very grateful.
Fine Homebuilding's "breaktime" forum was awesome at one point. An excellent reference for contractors and tradesmen as well as howeowners and do it yourselfers. It was a conversation back and forth between a couple of members that was responsible for the invention of "the mooney wall" the answer to the question in the forum of "how to get the most bang for you buck" to superinsulate a wall. It was invented in the forum!
It may well be that life and world changing events are because of the "think tank" that is this forum. People trading ideas back and forth by being able to "go off the rails" a little bit is a very good thing in my opinion, and even if we can't change the world for the better at least it is interesting and engaging conversation. I personally have learned something here in this thread and it is my opinion this knowledge is the most valuable gift that can be given.
Thank you for your contribution.
Above link to the google search query "how was the mooney wall invented" does not answer the question very well but does describe what it is. It was wholly thought up, invented, and engineered in the forum. I know because I was there to see it happen live in real time as it happened.
unnecessarily huge 4-line URL stripped to its essentials... jimc