I have a pk 75 xl. It pulls average 49mph on GPS and is standard with original shbl 20mm carb . I changed out the sito exhaust as it vibrated through the frame awful although when taken off the baffle was loose. I have the bgm box tourer for 75 to 125cc and can tell you the following. It does not rev on like the sito but it has far more torque and you don't have to rev the crap out of it. The decrease in vibration to the whole frame is brilliant, no toolbox vibration, side panels, headset, the usual suspects. It makes the whole scooter extremely smooth to drive. You will lose 1 to 2 mph top end but you will power through when you have head wind or climbing slopes, hills,so its a far more pleasant drive and all round usability improved. Its a bit like going from a road 2 to polinibox on a large frame,revs drop but better torque . The bgm sounds great, its like a high pitched machine gun pop pop. Easy to fit,great finish, no corrosion as yet. Nice little touch is tail pipe points away from rear wheel so no crap builds on wheel. I've retained spare wheel too which is important to me. Upjet 2 pts , my standard carb 76 main so now bang on with 78. I recommend bgm over sito, if you want to sacrifice 2mph top end in trade for more diverse running and protecting longevity of your motor. Im also getting 120 miles to gallon! It will drop your revs down but give you a lot more oomph around town. Fastest I've seen with a tail wind is 52 mph 85kmh GPS and slowest I've recorded is 45mph with really strong headwind .75kmh. Enjoy the little pk for what it is, buzzing around local and putting smile on face. Every manifestation of bolt on exhaust ive used has always resulted in some compromise. Either having to rev the crap out of it to get anywhere and maybe couple of MPH over top end, or better early mid torque for driving into wind, hills, taking pillion. Always a trade off. I've attached the gear ratios from my manual, at bottom, gear 1,2, 3 then 4th