1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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I have a 1982 Vespa p200e, cdi, with turn signals, no battery.

I found the wiring diagram on scooterhelp

The wiring in the headset is a bit confusing even in the diagram, just over the headlight bulb you see 3 dots in line, a symbol that I'm not sure of the meaning, I thought at first that it meant that 3 wire were connected together at this point, but now I doubt it since elsewhere in the diagram there are not as many wire as they are dots?

But the strangest thing in that connection is that it seem that the grey wire from the right switch would be connected directly to a ground and also connected to the green wire wich come from the regulator wich I tought was providing power?

Any one can help me here, or have a clear photograph of the wiring in the headset, concerning this grey wire from the right switch?

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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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And why if the green wire from the regulator is a return path, does the two main light bulb have two groung, one regular ground with the black wire and one with the green wire?

1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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Ok things are clearing up.

There are 3 harness coming from the vidy in the headset.

One is with 8 wires, coming from the junction box and connecting completely in both handlebar switch.

The second one is 3 wires, red, green and grey. The green is the kill connecting to the ignition, the gray and red, connect to the turn signal pilot light.

The last one wich confuse me a little is one black, one yellow, and a double grey wire.

I suspect the yellow connect to the right hand switch, the speedo bulb, and the lights on bulb

I suspect the black wire ground those two bulbs plus the ignition, parking light, head light and maybe connect to a green wire from the reg or the gray wire from the light switch????

As for the double grey wire i have absolutely no clue???????

Please help me!
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Grey wire is probably for the button on the switch that turns all the lights off except the brake light. Seems like it interacts with the grounds for those lights. Remove the right switch and look behind it to see where it connects on the board.
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Is this the double gray? It looks like a ground?

I could be way off, though.
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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hjo wrote:
Is this the double gray? It looks like a ground?

I could be way off, though.
Yes that's the one, but i don't understand why it would go back to the regulator if it's a ground?

1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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rowdyc wrote:
Grey wire is probably for the button on the switch that turns all the lights off except the brake light. Seems like it interacts with the grounds for those lights. Remove the right switch and look behind
You can see the gray wire at the bottom left corner underneath the brown, it is indeed under the off switch of the light. But why would it be comnected to the green wire from the regulator?
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nanook wrote:
You can see the gray wire at the bottom left corner underneath the brown, it is indeed under the off switch of the light. But why would it be comnected to the green wire from the regulator?
My theory:
That button is grounding wires to turn off all of the power (power from the stator and power from the regulator) As I look at, its seems that switch is turning off the brake light, too. The brake light is regulated AC current along with the turn signal lights. The other lights are not regulated AC current and the power comes directly from the stator.

The wiring is different then most 12 volt AC only Vespa's. Power leaves stator and goes to headset, through horn, and then to regulator. Out of regulator to turn signals and brakes.
Most Vespa's with 12 volt AC has power to regulator and then to rest of bike.

Had a problem with horn constantly buzzing and eventually no lights. The horn button broke and grounded the wires in which turned off all of the lights. Power from the stator stopped there and did not make it to the any other part of the bike. Took a while to figure it out.
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I'm really puzzled by this one. Does it have a two-pole ignition switch? Or no ignition, and that's a kill button?
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Diagram is wrong. The three dots are the "floating" junction point on the headlight (see example photo) and shouldn't be "bridged" to ground. So, on the 3 terminals, you connect green from regulator, grey to lights switch and grey to indicator "telltale" bulb (the other one is red). Later main looms from Piaggio had grey coming from the regulator instead of green. Everything is AC on this "system" and only thing running from stator is the horn when you press the button and basically "break" the circuit going to the regulator through the lights switch...
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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rowdyc wrote:
My theory:
That button is grounding wires to turn off all of the power (power from the stator and power from the regulator) As I look at, its seems that switch is turning off the brake light, too.
No, the turn off green wire is on the two poles ignition.

1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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1961 Vespa VNB2T / 1983 P200E / 1974 Sprint Veloce
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SaFiS wrote:
Diagram is wrong. The three dots are the "floating" junction point on the headlight (see example photo) and shouldn't be "bridged" to ground. So, on the 3 terminals, you connect green from regulator, grey to lights switch and grey to indicator "telltale" bulb (the other one is red).
Well, that makes sense! I never considered or expected the diagram could be wrong!
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