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@vpfalcon avatar
86 T5, 71 Rally 180
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I'm working on this 64 Allstate, it's pretty darned original with a few dings and dents. The headlight chrome bezel is beat to hell though so I ordered a new one from Mercado.
Straight out of the box, the bezel looks right and fits nicely onto the headset. But the original is different, and the original reflector and lens don't fit into the new bezel.
I think this is an Allstate issue. But if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.
Original and replacement bezel, lens is too small to fit replacement.
Original and replacement bezel, lens is too small to fit replacement.
Replacement bezel on headset
Replacement bezel on headset
Original bezel on headset
Original bezel on headset
Parts book showing bezel
Parts book showing bezel
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@gickspeed avatar
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Here is my take on it.

SIEM retrofitted a bezel to fit the earlier 105mm glass into the larger 115mm headsets.

No one makes the correct bezel for your 105mm glass. You either find a good original bezel or go with 115mm glass/reflector/possibly bulb holder.

Hope that helps.
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