For posterity: '20 HPE 'tech: ten days ago with tank at 6.5L from full, and having sat for ten days, started with a rough idle and tendency to stall. This persisted for the evening, and for a short ride a few days later. Same evening arriving home, I let 'er sit, idling, for observation. Check Engine Light came one after a minute - 90 seconds. A couple days ago, I lifted the pet carrier and poked, prodded, tugged, and lifted wires and hoses in and around the engine. Started 'er up. Steady idle, but CEL persisted. Shut 'er down. Today, started 'er up, to a CEL. Went for a ride. Got a phone call. Parked, shut off. Got voice mail. Started up. CEL extinguished, and rode away as if nothing was ever wrong. Did I poke a bad connection? So, where would I locate an O2 sensor, anyway?