Mp3 400 hpe
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Mp3 400 hpe
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Hello, any advice on buying the 400 hpe?
I have tried the Metropolis and it sucked so much that i almost changed my mind on 3wheel scooters. I have tried the new 400 and it felt so smooth and easy, i also have tried the 500 and didnt feel any difference in power. The dealer adviced me to get the 400 because of the wet rear hub that 400 has (IT IS REALLY SMOOTH), and that its less maitanance in general. Im.about to sign the contract in 2 days. Will i expect some surprises? I know its new and probabely no one have encountered any problems yet, but just in case

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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IF you plan to do mostly in town riding, get the new 400hpe.

On the other hand, if you plan to drive at highway speeds on a somewhat regular basis then get the 500hpe.

The 500 is a proven motor, albeit old. The 400hpe is the new kid on the block, and being Italian, should be something you should keep in mind.

Mp3 400 hpe
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Mp3 400 hpe
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Thanks a lot. Couldnt agree more. Luckily im buying it to enjoy touring by chosing the 'National' curvy routes (and free) and enjoy the nice Spanish scenerie. Highways are boring and expensive.
I guess i will have to share with you guys my feedback and troubles of that engine if they exist.
But it is impressive and im willing to risk it because of this smoothness it has (you have to try it). You know when you release the gas for a moment and let it roll, the cvt goes neutral (kind of), and then when you push the throttle, the bike doesn't kick, doesn't vibrate, its just as if you have put 3d gear in a downhill road... i dont know if im explaining myself well, its just pleasant.
And it also has a lot of torque (equally to the 500) especially from a zero, minus all the vibration and noise..
Thanks a gain for your prompt advice
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2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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Wet Rear Hub?
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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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Yep, they've implemented another approach to centrifugal clutch, closer to wet clutches of quads.
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2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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2020 Liberty 150, 2020 MP3-500
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My ears pick up when I read wet clutch cvt
650 burgman has a wet clutch as you would find on most motorcycles, much smoother than the dry version on the suzuki 400, still has centrifugal engagement [analog] not electric
Many reports of slipping after an owner used synthetic oil instead of the required type
The burg cvt has the pulley moved with a stepper motor which is probably why the $500 belt lasts 60'000 miles

I would love to graft the 650 twin burg drivetrain into an MP3, Though it would probably add 75#
Better power, similar mileage, less vibration, better reliability
or graft the MP3 frontend on the suzuki which has full slouch seating...

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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Don't get too excited over Piaggio's wet clutch. Piaggio has been using it for about 10 years starting with the BV350/Beverly 350.

You still have to replace the roller weights every 20K km (12.5K mi).

The only advantage I see is the fact you don't have to replace the belt as often (every 60K km per Piaggio) but the belt is only about a hundred bucks or so.

One more thing, Piaggio's wet clutch has not exactly been problem free either and is much more expensive than the conventional dry clutch. You cannot replace individual parts, only the complete assembly. No cheap springs or friction shoes to replace. List price is $650US, which is high enough it could render the bike not economically feasible to repair depending on age, condition, and miles clocked.



If you want a reliable wet clutch, get a Honda with DCT which is far more fun to ride. No belt, no mess. Just replace the filter with every engine oil change.

Mp3 400 hpe
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Mp3 400 hpe
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Sbaert you're right (again
I have always been a fan of the Integra and later the X-Adv, the dct is the future, and now its on all Honda's flagship bikes. But the Mp3 beats them all with 2 things (to my taste): 1- Storage space and 2- Third wheel extra safety. When you gain 4-5 meters in emergency breaking, its no longer debatable. I also have crashed so many times in my youth, because of dead leaves and gravel and wet sewers covers etc.. now there is my wife in the back so i prefer reducing risks as much as possible.
From a pragmatic point of view i guess it is more expensive but i think it's an added value when it comes to general comfort, comparing to conventional cvt, i believe it will will slowly be the standard on all Piaggio's future models (if gas engine still existed)
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