Literally two hundred yards from home coming down the hill to our village at lunchtime in the bright sunlight I didnt see a huge stone brick in the road and hit it at about 50+ mph. How I never came off is a mystery.
Anyway the tyre ran flat and back home Ive noticed that the front wheel is slightly misshaped where the air is now coming out if you try and pump it up. You can feel it if you run your finger round the rim. Hopefully there is no other damage.
I think ill need a replacement rim and a new tyre. Mo tech in Newcastle (UK) say a matching rim will be about £200 but could take a while to come in as they will have to order it from Italy. There are a few with tyres used on Ebay but not sure if I should take a punt on one. I am also not sure if the colours will match. This one looks to be the closest match but the seller says its a black rim. Mine is really dark blue. Any ideas? Mine is a 2014 model.
My Wheel with the damaged area highlighted. You cant really see it though but you can feel it slightly if you run your finger around it and air is escaping from there if you try and pump it up.