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I'm getting a mate to repair some rust where the side panels hook in at the rear, and don't want to make more work by blowing any electrical stuff up whilst welding; what should I disconnect?
Stator – CDI – HT?
Also wondering about the fuel tank; I have zero experience of this job, so any advice is helpful.
Cheers chaps.

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Well, gas and flames don't mix very well so I'd strongly suggest you and your pal don't blow yourselves up and remove the tank before hand. Probably a good idea to drop the engine too to be extra safe. Gas likes to go boom after all.
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Hi Sime,
You can't go wrong disconnecting your major electrical components.
Not sure the type of welding - but if MIG - what you want to try and do is get the welder's ground fairly close to the work area.
This short throw is good for the welder - but its also less likely to complete its circuit through some of your more prized components.
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Hmmm...given that I just did all that MIG on my motor without disconnecting anything, Once I get it put back together I guess I'll find out if it mattered or not.
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1984 PX(BGM187)EFL
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1984 PX(BGM187)EFL
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Thanks for that, it mainly just reinforced what I'd picked up reading online, but best to check with those who've done it on a scooter; the plan is roughly this:
Drain/remove tank, remove battery (need access to reg/rec behind battery tray anyway), disconnect reg/rec ground, disconnect CDI ground and plug cap and disconnect stator blue and black. I'll check my wiring diagram for other ground conns near delicate components (maybe the speedo diode).
Keep welding ground clamp as close to work as possible.
Chandleman, I don't know that it's all necessary, but it seems an easily achieved precaution.
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76 Sprint V, 63 GL, 62 VBB, 05 Stella, 66 Smallstate, 66 Lammy S3
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You may well be right. I just didn't think about it.

I actually did disconnect the harness to drop the engine, but the stator and CDI are still in place, so we'll see this weekend where it's at when I finally get it put back together..
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