MP3 400cc 2008
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MP3 400cc 2008
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Hi all,

I'm newbie owner of MP3 400 2008. Never had experience with three wheelers. My biggest struggle is with backing up motorcycle. MP3 is heavy as you know and I don't know is there any switch to put a bike in neutral gear. Any advice or tips that you can share?

Thank you in advance.
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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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Because of its automatic clutch it is always on a neutral gear while idle revs or with stopped engine.

MP3 400cc 2008
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MP3 400cc 2008
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I see. So it's normal to be hard to back up, going reverse? Does it make a difference if engine is on?

Molto Verboso
2015 MP3 500 ie Business
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Molto Verboso
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3 things you can do:

1) put on the tilt lock prior to reversing

2) Have your feet flat on the ground to give you maximum traction

3) Wear motorcycle boots to give you maximum protection and stability

You did not mention your size or inseam, but these bikes simply do not budge much in the hands of people with short statures or limited muscle strength.

However, Piaggio did recently introduce another facelift to the MP3 500 which includes a reverse gear.

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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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Piaggio MP3 250'2007
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ajanjic wrote:
I see. So it's normal to be hard to back up, going reverse? Does it make a difference if engine is on?
Depends. If you compare it with Big Beo, you'll notice the difference I can move the mp3 with one hand (while suspension is locked), and Big Beo is pretty heavier.

The running engine should not cause any difference in moving backwards.
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300
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Check your tyre pressures, especially the rear. A soft tyre makes it much harder to push backwards.

2008 fuoco
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2008 fuoco
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I see yours is a 2008 model so if it's hard pushing the bike back or forwards ( it's more noticeable pushing back ) then i would say your handbrake cable is probably partly siezed. Don't even bother trying to force oil down / up it thats a total waste of time .I have the t shirt on that one, it will make very little difference. Just replace the whole cable which means removing lots of the panels and if it's like the fuoco/mp3 500 it could have been done in 30 mins or less if piaggio had designed it so, in stead it will probably take all day if your lucky.
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2009 MP3 400, 2004 Honda ST1300
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2009 MP3 400, 2004 Honda ST1300
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I have that t-shirt too. If the cable is sticking, toss it. Up on the center stand the rear wheel should turn easily by hand. If the brake is binding you'll need to figure out why. The parking brake cable can be loosened easily at the rear adjuster fitting to rule that in or rule it out.
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