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Hello, I'm planning to buy a used Vespa GT 125 with about 25.000 km in it.
From the outside condition looks phenomenal. It was barely used in the last 4-5 years.
Can you recommend a few things to check before buying besides rust and damages?
I know this is an old, 1st generation model with carburetor with its pros and cons, but I think I will like doing some maintenance work time to time myself.

I'm curious about any opinion and I hope I'll be part of this community soon.

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Just remember - you'll have nearly all of the weight of a large frame, with a smaller engine than a small frame 150.

I've never ridden a GT 125, but it seems like a bad combination to me.

Why not go for a small frame 125 or 150 if possible?
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adri wrote:
Just remember - you'll have nearly all of the weight of a large frame, with a smaller engine than a small frame 150.

I've never ridden a GT 125, but it seems like a bad combination to me.

Why not go for a small frame 125 or 150 if possible?
I was thinking about it a lot, but then I tried both small and large frame 125 model and I liked the large frame better with my height (186cm / 6ft1in). Also better to ride with my wife sometimes
150 isn't available here and 125 is enough for city usage for me.

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Here is a link to Robot's review of a GT 200. These were the ones that were imported to USA so maybe some differences besides different size engine but good info for a prospective buyer I think.

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I would ask him about the maintianece that he has done throughtout the years, oil changes etc.

Also, what I did when I bought my first scooter was google something like "things to check on a used scooter before you buy it" and then create a list of things that you want to look at on the Vespa when you go to see it.

Also check oil and make sure it isn't empty.

Good LUCK!

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scootermanjosh wrote:
I would ask him about the maintianece that he has done throughtout the years, oil changes etc.

Also, what I did when I bought my first scooter was google something like "things to check on a used scooter before you buy it" and then create a list of things that you want to look at on the Vespa when you go to see it.

Also check oil and make sure it isn't empty.

Good LUCK!
+1 for checking maintenance records- a 4-5 yr old scoot will need all fluids flushed and filled; possible tires too. Some people don't realize that could run just under $1k in the US. As long as you are aware of that you can adjust your offer to take into account the necessary maintenance to get the scoot up to date.
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reflx25 wrote:
I was thinking about it a lot, but then I tried both small and large frame 125 model and I liked the large frame better with my height (186cm / 6ft1in). Also better to ride with my wife sometimes
150 isn't available here and 125 is enough for city usage for me.
Ok perfect. Just wanted to make sure you were at least aware/thinking about it. Right on.
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skids wrote:
Here is a link to Robot's review of a GT 200. These were the ones that were imported to USA so maybe some differences besides different size engine but good info for a prospective buyer I think.
This is super useful, thank you!
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All the above - plus change the fuel and vacuum hoses. A French friend used to ride two-up all over Europe on a GT125 - as long as you don't mind going slowly uphill it's fine.
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Can you work on this yourself? At a minimum pull the dipstick and look at the level and color of the oil. Remove the right knee pad, and pull the radiator cap (be sure it is not hot). Look at the color and the level of the coolant. It's a beautifal scooter. Looks to be in good shape. Steel body, carburetor - last of the classic.
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Thank you all for the advices! I've checked all the things you suggested and everything looked fine so I've bought it
It runs very smooth and fast. I'm super happy with it!
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I think you picked yourself up a good one. The bike has obviously been well cared for. A 16 year old scooter with the clock battery replaced is a good sign. It has the updated GTS rear rack and gas tank shroud as well.
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Welcome to the club
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mind me asking how much you ended up paying (and countries currency)?
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scootermanjosh wrote:
mind me asking how much you ended up paying (and countries currency)?
I paid 740000 HUF (Hungarian Forint), which is about 2200 USD.
I think it was a good deal because it is in a very good condition.
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That's beautiful. Good for you.
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WOW 2200 USD, That seems crazy cheap. Would have been quite a bit more where I am from.

Good for you.
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scootermanjosh wrote:
WOW 2200 USD, That seems crazy cheap. Would have been quite a bit more where I am from.

Good for you.
Whereabouts in Canada are you? I bet we can find you one with that kind of mileage for that price.
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Bc vancouver island.

But I am going to calgary for 4 months early may.
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