The odometer and speedo stopped working on my et4, the PO had replaced the worm gear, so I was annoyed to see it happen again
I opened up the hole, removed the plug, spacer and worm gear, sure enough, chewed up.
Along with it was a TON of rubber/plastic bits. i spent 20 minutes blowing them out, no idea what they come off of.
When I pear in the ring gear itself is a bit chewed up, so my thoughts are it is silly to replace the work gear since the ring gear will destroy it anyways.
Question is; how hard is it to replace the ring gear in the front wheel? and while I am at it, any other parts I should order for the front wheel... idk bearings? whats common maintanance up there.
i am in canada but have a freind down in the states for a short period so I can still take advantage of cheaper prices